Meaning of this error ?
I am trying to model a depressurization of hydrate system. Once i run the model, i get erroneous initialization error: What doe sit mean and how can i solve it? Element 541 lies in the hydrate zone,…
Hello All, @Kenny or anyone pls find attached my input file for tough+, i just finish inserting all my parameters from the MEMORY block using equilibrium with inhibitor,…
The program stops unexpectedly
My file works, but it stops suddenly after a period of time. I have tried many methods, changing the grid, changing the parameter settings, changing the initial conditions,…
GENER block injection fluid
Hello, There is an option for injection component on the TOUGH+HYDRATE GENER data block defined by COM1, COM2, COM3, etc. However it doesn't specify how we can inject a particular fluid into an…
How to change the volume in ELEME Block
I am fairly new to TOUGH -Hydrate and just simulating through the default files available. I would like to know how to or where to add the volume of the reservoir in ELEME Data Block and will have…
TOUGH+HYDRATE pre/post scripts
If there is any active user on T+H, is anyone interested in discussing pre and post processing options. After struggling for some time, I have managed to put some scripts in python to process both…
TOUGH+RealGasBrine for CO2 injection
Hi, I am working on CO2 injection in depleted Oil and Gas reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery and sequestration. I am planning to buy TOUGH+RealGasBrine for this purpose,…
Tough+Hydrate (Data oscillation)
I encountered a problem in the calculation process and want to ask for help. When processing the calculation results, it is found that the gas production rate will fluctuate sharply at the initial…
Simulation Stopped without Error
Hi, everyone. I am trying to make simulation model for hydrate production with depressurization method using TOUGH+HYDRATE. To do this, I made 2D radial model (150*170 grid cells) to simulate the…
The order of ELEME and CONNE will influence computation results
I used to think that ELEME and CONNE can be arranged in arbitrary order as long as the blocks provide same information, but recently I found changing the order of ELEME and CONNE can significantly…
Area adjustment factor
I am currently doing some simulations of core based experiments using the kinetic model. With regards to terms in the equations I would like to confirm the notation.…
About auxiliary equations.
In tough+hydrate equilibrium model without inhibitor, what auxiliary equations (besides three governing equations) are used to construct a solvable set of equations?…
Inhibitor parameters in T+H
Browsing through the sample files I encountered the following two lines that sets up the inhibitor in the HYDRATE Section. In the manual, the following parameters are set for the variables…
Suppress CO2 dissolution in TOUGH+RealGasBrine
I am trying to suppress CO2 dissolution in TOUGH+RGB (set CO2 solubility in brine as 0) to match with another model that doesn't take CO2 dissolution into consideration.…
A question about computational parameters
If a simulation time is taking too many tile steps until it reaches the Max_NumTimeSteps parameter, but it has covered only a short of time simulated, what can be done in PARAM to optimize this.…
Permeability (I) for a 2D cylindrical model
Hi, I have a query regarding initializing anistropic permeability in ROCKS for a 2D cylindrical geometry model. In the 3D case it is quite clear that PERM(I); i =1,2,3 stand for permeability in x,y,…
Unexpected gas phase evolving
In a simulation case where no gas is defined nowhere in the initial conditions (Aqu with X_m_A=0) I am getting some values of gas at during the simulation.…
How to set initial temperatures below zero
Hi again. I am attempting to model some occurrences where the boundary temperature is a couple of degrees below 0 degC. Whenever I set the temperature in INCON below zero,…
Geo-gridding for TOUGH+
Hi, besides flat cartesian and axis-symmetric radial grids, is it possible to use in TOUGH+ a grid with tilted cells that honor geological dip like the added picture?
Compare [cumulative CH4(m3) ] from Well_Time_Series vs Hydrate_Info
Hello everyone I have a very simple problem Tough+Hydrate (v1.5) : I m trying to compare Methane production from the two sources (i) released from HYDRATE DISSOCIATION (ii) Total Production at the…
How to handle convergence
I am using a simple 2D grid to simulate the growth of hydrates after some gas injection occurs in the system. Ideally I would like to shut down the source (injector) and let the system evolve with…
Hello, I have a question about TOUGH+HYDRATE(T+H). I want to run cartesian model (gird : 57x57x61(total about 200000). But T+H doesn't operate, and I get the following error message on the terminal:…