TOUGHREACT/EOS5 serpentinization
Hello All, Is TOUGHREACT / EOS5 able to simulate the process of serpentization that can lead to the production of natural hydrogen? I know that EOS5 is intended for transporting hydrogen in the…
Changing the boundary water chemistry for a restart run (I think inchem is not read)
I'm trying to model a feedzone and ran the first 23 yrs (upto 7.569e8) and then will restart to run for another 2 yrs (upto 8.1994e8) using a different chemistry for the boundary water (injection).…
Thermodynamic Database for CO₂ Storage in Icelandic Basalts
Hello everyone, I've been running sample problem 5 on CO₂ storage in sandstone using TOUGHREACT V3.32. I'm interested in running this problem considering a basaltic formation, however,…
Pressure Drop When Allowing Dissolution/Precipitation of Minerals
Hello everyone, After I run a pressure initialization on the reservoir (REACT(1) = 2), I see that the gridblocks have pressures within the vicinity of that specific in PARAM.…
Simulation of the non-isothermal analysis of co2 injection
Hi, everyone i am now tyring to simulate the co2 injection under the non-isothermal situation byTOUGHREACT V1.2 ECO2N). For simplicity, i cosed the reactive transport in this simulation and focus on…
How to do the post-processing for the TOUGHREACT output file?
Hi guys! I wonder how to do post process of the .dat file. I want to see the mesh so i put the file into Tecplot, but i only see this image below. Hope you give me some methods to solve that.…
How to make a "no flux" grid?
Hello everyone! Now i have a injection well, i consider it as a kind of ROCK. ( I do not know whether this set is correct or i just do not need set the ROCK of the well.…
About the design of boundary
Hi, everyone, I'm working on setting the boundary conditions for no flow and constant pressure in a model using TOUGHREACT v1.2 ECO2N. I have two questions: For the no flow boundary condition,…
How to perform simulations of water-rock interactions to obtain near-equilibrium water chemistry.
Hello everyone, I am currently studying TOUGHREACT and using Petrasim for preprocessing and postprocessing, with the aim of researching CO2 geological storage issues.…
Output of permeability and initial value of porosity and permeability
Hi,everyone i am using TOUGHREACT v1.2/ECO2N, and i have some issues (1) i find that the file 'solid.out" only shows one permeability, what orientation it is ?…
Problems encountered during the equilibrium stage of groundwater,HELP!
Why do files such as chdump.out and solute.out not appear after clicking execute during the Chemical equilibrium of groundwater?
Is this normal?
My GENER file changes to chinese characters during a simulation. What could cause this?
Sourcing injection fluid in ToughReact
A clarification is needed regarding ToughReact when run with ECO2N: Think of a situation where a carbonated brine is defined in “chemical.inp” file for injection purpose.…
HELP!!! Regarding the issue of being unable to simulate flow given multiple rock types~THX!
I am currently using TOUGHREACT V3 software and ECO2N module for flow simulation. When all the first domain is given in ELEME, the simulation is successful;…
initialization of water composition
Hi, Recently, I tried to use toughreact (EOS1) to simulate fluid-rock interaction including dissolution and precipitation. But it always reminded me “convergence problem in initialization of water…
Help needed- Wellbore simulation
Hello Everyone, I am writing to seek help with a flow problem. I have discretized a domain containing 26 layers. I want to inject CO2 into the lower part of these layers (say last 11 layers),…
Toughreact courses or workshops
Hello everyone, I'm new to using toughreact and would like to learn a bit more and improve. Does anyone know if there will be any courses or workshops this year or next? Thanks
How to resolve the flow non-convergence in eco2n module?
Hello, I'm trying to simulate CO2 geological storage in aquifer composed of andesite rocks at high temperature condition, 200 degC. The CO2 was injected for 10 years and run a 1000year simulation.…
An issue (experience) with very large mesh
Hi all Just to share my experience. I have a very large mesh (6E5 grid cells). Surprisingly the name of some elements start with "END" (like END 1, .. END10 etc).…
Simulation result files always maintain their original size
Hello everyone, I am using TOUGHREACT to simulate the chemical reaction of CO2 injection into deep saline reservoirs and caprocks. The input files I defined are as above,…
TOUGHREACT-ECO2N calculation of fugacity of CO2
Hi, I am a new user of TOUGHREACT. I am using ECO2N to simulate diopside dissolution and carbonate mineralization in a temperature range of 6.4˚C - 18.9˚C and a pressure range of 0.1 - 5.1 MPa.…
CO2 water-rock reaction does not converge.
Hi everyone: I recently used toughreactV1.2 to simulate CO2 sequestration. The total simulation time was 1 year, but unfortunately the model did not converge.…
Exothermic reactions
Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to simulate exothermic reactions with ToughReact? And in yes how to do that? Is there an example or a paper describing this? Thanks, Pierre
Injector Fluid w/ Changing Composition
Hi all, I am looking to model reservoir response to changing injection water composition and am seeking advice on how to do so. Specifically, I am wondering if it would be best, and/or feasible, to 1.…
Error with secondary species not found in thermodynamic database
Hello I am trying to run a TOUGHREACT simutlaion and everything is fine up until it reads the thermodynamic database. I get this error: "Error: The defined secondary species:…