How many VOCs can be included in a TMVOC simulation?
How many VOCs can be included in a TMVOC simulation? These are my simulation of injecting Tetrachloroethylene (STD) and Xylene- (STD) at a rate of 1E-5 kg/s for one year. Thanks a lot! Sincerely!
Have anyone used the TMVOCbio module? Is it possible to determine the amount of microbiological quantity in each grid and their corresponding biodegradation capacity?
TMVOC initial conditions Convergence Failure
Dears, I am trying to use TMVOC through Petrasim interface to build the attached conceptual model, but when I try to build such model I always have a convergence issues.…
How many materials can be included in TMVOC?
Hi everyone! These days I am trying to use TMVOC to simulate DNAPL spill and redistribution in a heterogeneous medium. However, I found that there seemed to be something wrong with my code.…
crashing after reaching equilibrium and starting VOC injection
Hi everyone, I am simulating a 3D sand pack test where it is half full of water with some small hydraulic head from one end to another and the oil leaks into the sand at some distance above this…
Input of pollutant data
Hello everyone, now I have the pollutant distribution data of a site, and I want to import this pollutant data as the initial condition of the model after running the flow field model.…
How should I compile TMVOC and use executable to run a simulation in the Windows 7 operating system?
Hello everyone, I have an executable for TMVOC and I am not sure how to use it to run a simulation. I tried to run problem 7 mentioned in the manual on the Windows 7 PC, but it could not work.…
CHEMP block for diesel and gasoline?
Hello, does anyone know where I can get access to a CHEMP block for diesel fuel and gasoline? Preferably, reference documents justifying the parameterization would also be helpful,…
In petrasim, how to enter the atmospheric pressure by file?
In the petrasim, how can i enter the pressure by Sine?In other word ,I want to set the pressure via sine function. Thanks a lot! Sincerely!
TMVOC initial conditions Convergence Failure
Dears, I am trying to use TMVOC through Petrasim interface to build the attached conceptual model, but when I try to build such model I always have a convergence issues. P.…
how to cancel or minimize VOC volatilization
Hi everyone! I am studying the transport of LANPL , but I do not want to consider the volatilization. How can I set up to cancel or minimize the volatilization of VOC
Code: modify the Biodegradation module in TMVOC
Hi everyone! I am trying to modify the code of the biodegradation module in TMVOC, and add the microbial growth equation into the code. How can I modify the code related to microbial degradation?…
injecting VOC mass through virtual cells
Hi everyone, I am trying to simulate a 1D diffusion scenario where the domain is a column comprised of 200 grid cells (domain is 1m*1m*20m with 200 cells in z-direction) and every grid cell has been…
Convergence failure at production well
Hi everyone, I am trying to heat up water and NAPL (atmospheric pressure) with a production well for vapor extraction at cell #341 (atmospheric pressurre and productivity index 1e-10 m3 ).…
Reduced time step when water boils
Hi everyone, I am trying to model the conductive heating process in water-saturated soil and I found the time step is reduced to a quite small value when water starts boiling.…
Temperature limit
Hi everyone, I am trying to model thermal condutive heating in unsaturated soil and I need the temperature to get above 500 degrees C after water dries out.…
non-convergence issue
Hi everyone, I'm running a 2d radial case in petrasim where I'm heating from the top, bottom and one side. I first tried to define an extra cell and connect all those boundary cells to it and then…
Biodegradation in TMVOC
Hello, Quick question regarding how to incorporate the biodegradation into a TMVOC model. I would like to see what would be the significance of a biodegradation in a overall fate and transport of a…
assigning the right enthalpy
Hi All, I'm running a thermal simulation using TMVOC where I'm also including a mass rate at the second layer beneath the atmospheric boundary layer. The mass rate represents annual precipitation.…
RELP as a function of a VOC mole fraction
Hi everyone, I would like to make the relative permeability of the gas phase a function of the mole fraction of the the first VOC. Actually, the first VOC, in this case,…
Limitation to the number of VOCs ?
Hi everyone, I am currently running simulations with 8 VOCs (plus air and water) and I want to add 6 more VOCs. I modified the T2 file like so: - MNEQ = 17 (16 components + one energy balance…
Using TMVOC or just TOUGH basic (EOS9) ?
Hi, can i know the step for LNAPL spill on top of surface then migrate to the bottom of soil, I just wanna check the saturation of soil and the velocity of LNAPL in unsaturated soil condition.…
Defining ِboundary conditions
Hello everyone. I have trouble in defining a special boundary condition with a fix pressure, but it is also a no flux boundary for contaminant transport.…
Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference
Hello, the problem as stated above occurs. The model is made for methane, ethane and water reservoir. The formation is to be fractured with water. how can the above problem be resolved? Thanks.
erroneous initialization
how to solve errors with erroneous initialization? and also the errors regarding temperature out of range?