TOUGH3 Installation Fails Due to BLAS Package URL Change
I am writing to seek your assistance with an issue I encountered during the installation of TOUGH3. The installation process fails due to a recent change in the URL of the BLAS package,…
TOUGHREACT/EOS5 serpentinization
Hello All, Is TOUGHREACT / EOS5 able to simulate the process of serpentization that can lead to the production of natural hydrogen? I know that EOS5 is intended for transporting hydrogen in the…
Error Message
Hello everyone, I am getting an error message when I run my T2well-ECO2N file. The error message is: At line 210 of file t2f.f (unit = 5, file = 'stdin') Fortran runtime error:…
Changing the boundary water chemistry for a restart run (I think inchem is not read)
I'm trying to model a feedzone and ran the first 23 yrs (upto 7.569e8) and then will restart to run for another 2 yrs (upto 8.1994e8) using a different chemistry for the boundary water (injection).…
ECO2M running stopped, unit temperature and pressure status abnormal
Dear TOUGH community users, The model is established using Ansys apdl starting from 0 m, with the first unit below the surfacecenter serving as the wellhead unit.…
Thermodynamic Database for CO₂ Storage in Icelandic Basalts
Hello everyone, I've been running sample problem 5 on CO₂ storage in sandstone using TOUGHREACT V3.32. I'm interested in running this problem considering a basaltic formation, however,…
Mass balance assessment with TOUGH3
I am looking to validate the observed mass balance agains the theoretical (initial + source/sink - migration form domain into boundary cells) in a TOUGH3 with Neumann boundary conditions.…
TOUGH3 installation issue
I realized many people have difficulty in compilation of TOUGH3. After polishing the installation cmake scripts and reorganizing the installation package, compilation of TOUGH3 should be more easy,…
How to debug tough3 correctly
I want to debug this code. When configuring tough3-eco2n, the command used is"/configure.sh --build-type=DEBUG --eos=eco2n --no-x11 --petsc-dir=/home/zhigao/petsc-3.17.…
How should the enthalpy be correctly specified when simulating the process of air injection into an aquifer using TOUGH3/EOS3?
Hi I am currently attempting to conduct a simulation for CAESA, specifically modeling the process of air injection into an aquifer. Due to persistent convergence issues,…
Pressure Drop When Allowing Dissolution/Precipitation of Minerals
Hello everyone, After I run a pressure initialization on the reservoir (REACT(1) = 2), I see that the gridblocks have pressures within the vicinity of that specific in PARAM.…
Simulation of the non-isothermal analysis of co2 injection
Hi, everyone i am now tyring to simulate the co2 injection under the non-isothermal situation byTOUGHREACT V1.2 ECO2N). For simplicity, i cosed the reactive transport in this simulation and focus on…
Query on Early Steady State in Methane Discharge Model at 1% Hydraulic Gradient
Dear TOUGH2 Group, I am modeling methane discharge from a 1m^3, source producing methane at a rate of 1.16E−7 kg/(s⋅m^2). The objective is to observe accumulation and migration through a homogeneous…
Modify capillary pressure unit by unit
Hi, everyone I have recently read a lot of coupling programs carried out based on the TOUGH series of software, and I noticed that they have an equation for modifying the capillary pressure,…
How to do the post-processing for the TOUGHREACT output file?
Hi guys! I wonder how to do post process of the .dat file. I want to see the mesh so i put the file into Tecplot, but i only see this image below. Hope you give me some methods to solve that.…
How to make a "no flux" grid?
Hello everyone! Now i have a injection well, i consider it as a kind of ROCK. ( I do not know whether this set is correct or i just do not need set the ROCK of the well.…
TOUGHIO CO2 Leakage Along a Fault Generate MESH and INCON files
What went wrong with this step?
TOUGHIO CO2 Leakage Along a Fault
TOUGHIO CO2 Leakage Along a Fault Generate MESH and INCON files In the second step, I showed that there was a problem with my index, but I checked the files and there was no problem according to the…
About the design of boundary
Hi, everyone, I'm working on setting the boundary conditions for no flow and constant pressure in a model using TOUGHREACT v1.2 ECO2N. I have two questions: For the no flow boundary condition,…
How to perform simulations of water-rock interactions to obtain near-equilibrium water chemistry.
Hello everyone, I am currently studying TOUGHREACT and using Petrasim for preprocessing and postprocessing, with the aim of researching CO2 geological storage issues.…
Output of permeability and initial value of porosity and permeability
Hi,everyone i am using TOUGHREACT v1.2/ECO2N, and i have some issues (1) i find that the file 'solid.out" only shows one permeability, what orientation it is ?…
About the SEED with porosity
Hi, everyone I'm using TOUGHREACT1.2/ECO2N with Petrasim,and i found that in Petrsim can set different porosity for each cell in "Set cell data", so I wonder how can I achieve that by text…
I am trying to simulate a large grid model using TOUGH2. But I am getting an error as " NUMBER OF ELEMENTS SPECIFIED IN DATA BLOCK "ELEME" EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM OF 12000 INCREASE PARAMETER *MNEL*…
possibly bug in viscosity calculation in TOUGH3_EWASG
Dear developers, First of all, I would like to say thank you for developing this excellent codes. Here I am reporting a tiny bug I found in viscosity calculation in TOUGH3 EWASG,…
From TOUGH3 to T2WELL conversion
Dear TOUGH communities, I have built a CO2 injection model in TOUGH3/ECO2M and it runs perfectly. However, I want to run exactly the same input using T2WELL/ECO2M, but the model fails.…