closed loop borehole + reservoir capability
Hello community, I am new to TOUGH family. I want to simulate a closed-loop geothermal heat exchanger (eg: similar to U-tube) coupled to reservoir modeling.…
Questions about TOGA
Hello everyone, When I was learning toga, I have come across a question and I hope to get your answer. The result of the same inp file running on my computer is inconsistent with the standard result.…
Increasing Injection Rate
I am currently working on a model where the reservoir permeability is only a few mD, but the injection rate is set at 3 kg/s. In the existing model, when the injection rate reaches 0.…
TOUGH3 installation issue
I realized many people have difficulty in compilation of TOUGH3. After polishing the installation cmake scripts and reorganizing the installation package, compilation of TOUGH3 should be more easy,…
T2Well/ECO2N mesh software recommendation
Hi everyone! I'm new to using T2Well/ECO2N and was wondering which meshing software you recommend for creating an anticline structure with different layers? I've been exploring MeshMaker, PetraSim,…
TOUGH3 installation on PC updates: Install Ubuntu Terminal and then install TOUGH3
If the operating system is Windows 10, a better option than Cygwin is Ubuntu Terminal. Updated instruction for TOUGH3 installation on Ubuntu Terminal can be found here (Installation File,…
Toughreact courses or workshops
Hello everyone, I'm new to using toughreact and would like to learn a bit more and improve. Does anyone know if there will be any courses or workshops this year or next? Thanks
How to resolve the flow non-convergence in eco2n module?
Hello, I'm trying to simulate CO2 geological storage in aquifer composed of andesite rocks at high temperature condition, 200 degC. The CO2 was injected for 10 years and run a 1000year simulation.…
TOUGH3/ECO2M input problems
Dear TOUGH community, I am using TOUGH3/ECO2M for modeling two injection scenarios: i) liquid CO2 (5C, 100 bar) and ii) SC-CO2 (35C, 100 bar) at the wellhead at constant temperature.…
Assistance Needed with Methane Volume Quantification in EOS7C Model
Hello, I am currently using EOS7C to model the development of a gas bubble gas beneath a low-permeability hillslope. With initial guidance from a previous forum question answered by@Alfredo…
How many VOCs can be included in a TMVOC simulation?
How many VOCs can be included in a TMVOC simulation? These are my simulation of injecting Tetrachloroethylene (STD) and Xylene- (STD) at a rate of 1E-5 kg/s for one year. Thanks a lot! Sincerely!
Cipmox 500 mg: Uses, Dosage, and Trusted Vendors
The Cipmox 500 Capsule is used to treat various types of infections caused by bacteria, such as respiratory urinary tract infections, tonsil and throat infections, respiratory tract infections,…
An issue (experience) with very large mesh
Hi all Just to share my experience. I have a very large mesh (6E5 grid cells). Surprisingly the name of some elements start with "END" (like END 1, .. END10 etc).…
Simulation result files always maintain their original size
Hello everyone, I am using TOUGHREACT to simulate the chemical reaction of CO2 injection into deep saline reservoirs and caprocks. The input files I defined are as above,…
Simulation result files always maintain their original size
Hello everyone, I am using TOUGHREACT to simulate the chemical reaction of CO2 injection into deep saline reservoirs and caprocks. The input files I defined are as above,…
The results of Example 2 in the ECO2M manual
Hello. I have a question about Example 2 of ECO2M. In Example 2 the residual water saturation is set to 0.3. However, in the results, the water saturation is 0 near the injection well.…
Commingled injection well modeling
Hi, I am trying to model a commingled injection well which is a well completed through multilayers (5 layers in my model). Every layer in my model is represented by a single grid block in the Z…
Error Message
Hello everyone, I am getting an error message when I run my T2well-ECO2N file. The error message is: At line 210 of file t2f.f (unit = 5, file = 'stdin') Fortran runtime error:…
TOUGHREACT-ECO2N calculation of fugacity of CO2
Hi, I am a new user of TOUGHREACT. I am using ECO2N to simulate diopside dissolution and carbonate mineralization in a temperature range of 6.4˚C - 18.9˚C and a pressure range of 0.1 - 5.1 MPa.…
CO2 water-rock reaction does not converge.
Hi everyone: I recently used toughreactV1.2 to simulate CO2 sequestration. The total simulation time was 1 year, but unfortunately the model did not converge.…
Exothermic reactions
Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to simulate exothermic reactions with ToughReact? And in yes how to do that? Is there an example or a paper describing this? Thanks, Pierre
How to read and visualize MESH file using PyVista
I have created a Cartesian grid model using Mesh Maker which is given the attached MESH file. How to read MESH file and visualize the grid model using PyVista?
TOUGH2-MP Compilation
I am a beginner trying to compile TOUGH2-MP. The manual mentions that I need to download AZTEC, but the official website for the package is no longer accessible.…
TOUGH3-FLAC3D Coupling - Binary Files Generation
Have someone been working on the Tough3-Flac3D coupling detailed documentation?. Or the Tough2-Flac3D to have a deeper idea of how the Tough source code can be modified in the two subroutines (CYCIT,…
Guide to Toughio
Hello Everyone, I was just wondering if there is document that can teach everything about toughio library and its effective usage for any workflow. Mo.