TOUGHIO CO2 Leakage Along a Fault Generate MESH and INCON files
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TOUGHIO CO2 Leakage Along a Fault
TOUGHIO CO2 Leakage Along a Fault Generate MESH and INCON files In the second step, I showed that there was a problem with my index, but I checked the files and there was no problem according to the…
What is the expected format for the Grid Search input file?
When I tried to do a Grid Search with 4 parameters I got the message: ***** ERROR ***** * Evaluation of objective function currently only for a maximum of 3 active parameters!…
Can't read MESH properly
Hi everyone, I am facing the problem when running iTOUGH2. The program can't read mesh (minimum X-Y coordinate) properly based on the TOUGH2 model that I exported from Petrasim software.…
Local vs global sensitivity analysis with iTOUGH
Hello everyone, I am currently attempting to conduct a local sensitivity analysis using iTOUGH. After going through the user's guide, it appears that the sensitivity analysis is primarily presented…
Effect of Mesh Size on the Kinetics of Two-Phase Flow (Diffusion vs. Advection)
Dear all, I have a question regarding the mesh size and its impact on diffusion in two-phase flow. I'm curious to know if the mesh size affects the diffusion from element0 to element1.…
Run the iTOUGH2 with command line
Hello, I'm student, and a beginner. Now I'm doing a research about multi phase flow analysis. I try to learn about iTOUGH2 with eos3 but I have problem to running it (like the image attached ),…
OUTPUT FLOW between rock domain
Hello, is it possible with iTOUGH to output the total flow between one rock domain to another at each time step (like CONNE between two elements)?
iTOUGH2 work with EOS7C
Hello, I am new to iTOUGH2 and wanted to estimate parameters in a model with EOS7C module. I learned from the iTOUGH2 users guide that the maximum number of primary variables (MAXPV) is 4.…
Calibrate rock properties of each element using PEST ?
Hello, I am interested in updating the permeability of each element of a TOUGH2 simulation using PEST, since I aim to calibrate it with geophysical observations.…
Best Fortran Compiler and OS for iTOUGH2
I just received the files for installing iTOUGH2. I have not used the software before and I am new to working with Fortran. I am currently using a Windows operating system and I am wondering what…
Graceful ways for stuck Monte Carlo instances to fail and resample
Hey everyone, (ahem... mostly talking to you, @Stefan!) I'm trying to run a set of Monte Carlo simulations and there are a subset of cases that get stuck in a seemingly unending loop of minuscule…
Injection of different components with different densities (Soltrol into Glycerol-water)
Hello everyone, I want to use iTOUGH2 to simulate an injection experiment where the surrogate fluids mimic the density and viscosity contrasts of supercritical CO2 and brine under a deep reservoir…
Warning about Convergece
Hello, I'm new in iTough2. It's been a while since the lecture given by Stefan back in New Zealand 2014, at UoA. I'm having a converge issue while triying to run a steady state and then a transient…
Error running PEST protocol with model generated by Fortran executable
Hey everyone, I'm trying to use the iTOUGH2 PEST protocol to calculate coefficients of a constitutive model relating the viscosity of a sodium nitrate brine with mass fraction and temperature.…
Read/write file access w/PEST protocol
I am attempting to use the iTOUGH2 PEST protocol using a bash script as my forward-model executable. This script includes multiple calls of a TOUGHREACT simulation with file manipulation in between…
Control on outputs
Hi, Based on what is written in iTOUGH2 and other related manuals, printout frequency follows the calibration times when OUTPU module is applied. Is there anyway to get rid of this and only have the…
sand column evaporation simulation using EOS4 of itough_V7.1.0
Dear friends, I am interested in this sand column evaporation case, which is shown in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U0vivPLf3s, simulated by STURA.…
Hello, I`m struggling with the ECO2M sample 4(*rwaf*) and hope somebody has an suggestion for me. I tried to use the TOUGH3 exe, but the simulation always stops in between and its not running up to…
iTOUGH2 ignoring initial successful step
I'm having an issue with an inversion of a TOUGHREACT simulation using the PEST protocol. During each iTOUGH2 iteration, the initial step reduces the objective function but is still labeled as…
ERROR: STOP ITOUGH2 : Signal 1 recevied.
Hello everyone, i'm a student, and i'm working on changing the primary variable in iTOUGH2, after some changing in file EOSX and T2F.F and IT2MAIN.F , i compile my executable and when i want to test…
Cannot open file /parallel.info
Hi I am trying to use Parallel option for parallel execution but I am getting error that it cannot open /parallel.info in the itough2 output along mkdir: missing operand.…
compiling Gslib in cluster
Dear Stefan, I am trying to compile EOS7C-Gslib. It works well on my PC where I used Visual studio. But I can't manage to do the same thing on cluster. I got this linking error: it2main.…
constant injection pressure
Hi all, I would like to simulate 1D soil grouting with chemical injection material. I'm using iTOUGH2 with EOS-GEL module. I have a constant injection pressure and wants to determine development of…
iTOUGH2 version 7.1
Hi, I was trying to run an example with iTOUGH2 (ver 7.1) - T2VOC for sensitivity analysis, but got an error message (screenshot attached). There was no problem when I tried with same input files…