Natural State geothermal model calibration using itough2
Hello everyone. I have been modelling the natural state of a geothermal field (which shows excellent convection) using TOUGH2. I have achieve almost perfect fits for a section of the field,…
iTough2 parallelization by PVM
Hello, I appreciate a response on some aspects of PVM parallelization, in case you have some experiences with it. Is it possible to do the parallelization on a single machine with extended number of…
Running with MINC and non-MINC elements
In a post I submitted to the TOUGH2 forum ( https://tough.forumbee.com/r/m2fgt1 ), Stefan Finsterle provided me the following steps for running a simulation with both MINC and non-MINC elements in…
Estimating multiple time-dependent rates from the same source?
I'm attempting to estimate two time-dependent rates from a heat source/sink, but it appears only to allow estimates of the first one that's listed in the iT2 input file.…
Adding multiple restart times for the same event
I noticed that the iT2 command index didn't include any examples of how to incorporate multiple restart times for a single event. It wasn't entirely straightforward for me to troubleshoot,…
Outputting total flow rates from the FORWARD option
I'm having difficulty getting iTOUGH2 running a forward simulation to output total flow rates across a defined connection using eco2n. The only way I've been able, thus far,…
MOMOP vs. SELEC block settings for phase transitions in ECO2M
I see that MOMOP(29) allows us to define how we would like to perform phase transitions ("hairtrigger" vs. "finite window"), but the ECO2M module also allows us to set that in the SELEC block.…
Parameter estimates from multiple simulations?
Is it possible, through TOUGH2 or iTOUGH2, to perform parameter estimations based on multiple simulations that are coupled to one another? I know that for a forward simulation you can establish…
Inactive elements
Can iTOUGH2 attempt to estimate a generation rate from an inactive element? This element would define either a Dirichlet or a time-dependent boundary. I'll also have observations on the flow rate…
Hi I am looking at some input files of iTOUGH code. I have found one new block entitled "MOMOP". What is it? Thank you
Error Codes?
Long story short I'm trying to run a very large forward model in iTOUGH2 and have probably narrowed down my problem to having not compiled an appropriate version with enough elements/connection in…
Anisotropic permeability modifier positions
Hi, I am a bit confused with MOMOP(20) option: Is it correct that the only difference between setting it to 1 or 2 is the location of where the modifiers are read,…
iTOUGH2 forward model problem with EOS7C
Hi Stefan, I am testing my model with iTOUGH2 (EOS7C) forward model before I conduct sensitivity analysis. During the iTOUGH2 run, it suddenly stopped showing a message "run-time error M6203: MATH".…
No Temperature change in iTOUGH2 forward model run, problems with atmospheric blocks
Hi Stefan, I currently have a couple of issues when running iTOUGH2 in forward mode, especially when trying to add topography (done using PyTOUGH). Often my outputs will simulate fluid flow and…
iTOUGH2 EOS7 Compilation
Hello when compiling iTOUGH2 (linux) with EOS7 the iTOUGH2 manual indicates that the variables MAXK and MAXEQ within maxsize.inc should be set to 3 and 4 to allow for upto three components and 4…
Inversion of tracer test data
In a recent project, I am considering the idea to invert tracer test data (concentrations) obtained in a producer well, in order to get saturations of two-phase flow,…
Anisotropy in Gslib
Hi, I'm using iTough2 and am trying to create a heterogeneous field using gslib. I could not actualy figure it out what is the definition of the ang2 and how to define the anisotropy ratios.…
iTOUGH2-GSLIB grid definition and mapping
Hi. I am using iTOUGH2-GSLIB to generate spatially correlated permeability field. It seems that in case the GSLIB and TOUGH2 grid have different resolutions,…
Post processing software
Hi, I have to ask that after running itough2 software successfully there is one file created tecfile, on which software i can open that file for 3D view as post processing?…
Errors in diff summary after installation_testing
Hi to everyone, after having iTOUGH2 installed, I tried to check whether everything is OK with the installation. As a result, I ran the "installation_testing" script,…
hello, I am from IWS Uni Stuttgart. I am new to itough2. I have error while running itough on cluster. see details and attachment.
Hi, I am running my simulations on Dumux (Our inhouse simulator) and using itough2 for estimating parameters. I have three parameters (permeability, porosity and relative permeability n).…
error message
Hi I am new to itough2. I compiled the program and trying to run the sample problems given, but when I run sample 1 problem i am getting an error message "Error >> Subroutine << Message 5290 >>>…
hi, I got interesting reseult seneario forecasting with fracture spacing(MINC) using Monte Carlo simulation.
I also want to estimate fracture volume, but it seems iTOUGH2 can estimate only fracture spacing. if it is possible to estimate fracture volume with iTOUGH2, please advice me. Thank you.
Monte Carlo simulation crash using iTOUG2.
Hi, I have a problem using iTOUGH2. when I try Monte Carlo simulation with a model containing MINC. The Tough2 input file contains the 'MINC' keyword, and I have a file called 'MINC' generated by…
Estimating water saturation in a water zone above steam-heated bitumen.
A Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage project is proposing to use water from a water zone over a bitumen reservoir, for steam injection into the base of the bitumen pay zone.…