How many materials can be included in TMVOC?

Hi everyone!

These days I am trying to use TMVOC to simulate DNAPL spill and redistribution in a heterogeneous medium. However, I found that there seemed to be something wrong with my code. When I used "SEED" to modify the permeability, the result looked so strange (permeability became very large and it neglected the residual saturation of each phase)!!


so, I wonder if it was possible to include a lot of (5000?) materials in my input file, every single block has a unique material. Then, I assign permeability to each block. Is this way possible?


Any other suggestions?

2 replies

    • Reservoir Engineer
    • Alfredo_b
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    SEED keyword should allow to assign the permeability modifiers (PM)  that are affecting the permeability assigned to rock domains and are also used to scale the capillary pressure. 

    Permeability modifiers can be assigned directly to the ELEME block of input file, or can be internally generated to follow a random distribution. What option have you chosen?

    I guess the internally generated random distribution, otherwise you would have known in advance the permeability values assigned. If you find strange permeability values (permeability became very large) you should probably revise the input parameters controlling the random generation of PM.

    Assigning 5000 rock domains would be in principle possible if you have the source code. But it does not seem something to suggest. You can either try to better control the random generation of PM or simply assign the PM you want to use inside the ELEME block of input file.



      • Shuujie
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Alfredo Battistelli 
      Thanks for your explanation!

      Well, I made a simple test about it before: "SEED" was included without any parameter in the ROCKs, in the output file, it said, "EXTERNALLY SUPPLIED PERMEABILITY MODIFICATION IS IN EFFECT". I thought it meant that permeability modifiers were read from the ELEME block?
      However, in this case, permeability modifiers were all set to 1. The result was quite strange, it differed a lot from the case without "SEED" included. 

      I wondered if there was anything wrong with my input file, or with my code?

      Thanks again!

      Best wishes!


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