Changing the boundary water chemistry for a restart run (I think inchem is not read)
I'm trying to model a feedzone and ran the first 23 yrs (upto 7.569e8) and then will restart to run for another 2 yrs (upto 8.1994e8) using a different chemistry for the boundary water (injection). However, I think the inchem is not read since the pH and other parameters are different when looking at the output of the restart run (when comparing the parameters at 7.569e8).
Here's what I did
1. Renamed the SAVE and savechem files of the first run (23 yrs) to INCON and inchem (removed +++ in INCON)
2. Changed the boundary water chemistry at the chemical.inp file (initial water, remained unchanged)
3. Changed the time start and end at flow.inp (from 0 to 7.569e8, now 7.569e8 to 8.1994e8)
How do I fix it? I'm running it using TOUGHREACT v4.13
Thank you in advance!