Simulation of the non-isothermal analysis of co2 injection
Hi, everyone
i am now tyring to simulate the co2 injection under the non-isothermal situation byTOUGHREACT V1.2 ECO2N). For simplicity, i cosed the reactive transport in this simulation and focus on the temperature field.
This model consists of a 100m thick cap rock layer and a 200m saline water layer, with a pressure range of 12.3 MPa to 15 MPa and a temperature range of 41°C to 47°C. When I set the injection rate to 0.05 kg/s with an enthalpy of 3E5 J/kg, the simulation fails after about 15 days.
However, if I turn off the non-isothermal conditions, the simulation runs normally for up to 10 years with the same injection rate.
I want to know where the problem lies. Is it the size of the enthalpy?(This is my flow.inp file and the corresponding flow.out file where the error occurs)
I hope someone can provide guidance!