The order of ELEME and CONNE will influence computation results
I used to think that ELEME and CONNE can be arranged in arbitrary order as long as the blocks provide same information, but recently I found changing the order of ELEME and CONNE can significantly influence the computational result. I would like to know how Tough+ recognize the grids through these two blocks in INPUT file, because I am trying manually adding new elements and connections below current elements generated by MESKMAKER.
Guys, many thanks.
1 reply
I suspect there are other TOUGH users who can give you a much more technical reply, but the general guidance I have been given about constructing grids is to be systematic about ordering elements and connections, so that their listed order sweeps through space as uniformly as possible. This causes the sparse matrices that must be inverted during TOUGH's implicit time-stepping scheme to have a better structure. Hopefully someone who understands this more fully than I do will follow up this thread.