Simulation Stopped without Error

Hi, everyone.


I am trying to make simulation model for hydrate production with depressurization method using TOUGH+HYDRATE.

To do this, I made 2D radial model (150*170 grid cells) to simulate the two-layered hydrate reservoir.
The initial condition was defined using INDOM, and the simulation time was set to 14 days.

However, the simulation stopped without any error message when the simulation was performed using the executable file.

Please find the attached files (Input and Output files)

When I made a small-sized grid model, the simulation performed well.
As I know, there is no limit to the number of grids in T+H except for training version.
Therefore, It does not seem to be a problem of number of grids.

I would like to know the reason of this problem and how to fix it.
Please help me to run the simulation.

Thank you.

1 reply

    • Young
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    All problems were solved!

    It was problem related to domain discretization.

    Thank you.

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