Failure of flow.inp in TOUGHREACT v3.0 generated by PetraSim
Dear Sir or Madam, Sorry to disturb you. When I run the flow.inp generated by the PetraSim (TOUGHREACT v1.2) in TOUGHREACT v3.0, and I found it could not work.…
Pytough: Grid type TOUGH not supported.
Hi all, This is the first i am using pytough script. I am trying to see the summary of model geometry by using mulgrid in pytough. The Tough2 input file (as you can see in attachment) was generated…
Instant release EOS7R
Hello everybody, To simulate an instant release of a radionuclide in eos7r, we have to insert a no-zero value of the component in the INCON block. This value should be the mass fraction of the…
Failure of convergence in the simple 1D flow model
Dear Sir or Madam, I just built a simple 1D flow model (EOS9). I found it could not converge with my experimental parameters, however, it worked when I changed the porosity and permeability, (i.e.…
Compiling/Executing TOUGH+RealGasBrine - Also, Hysteresis?
Hello, I would greatly appreciate some help getting TOUGH+RealGasBrine running on my PC. Below is a summary of the things I have tried so far without success:…
Theis solution
Dear All, Does anyone have a test file of the Theis problem (such as the one presented in Moridis and Pruess 1995)? Thank you in advance! Virginie
MINC for general dual porosity modeling
Hello, is it possible/advisable to use MINC for more general analysis of multiple interacting continua, i.e., without fractures? I'd like to model flow through two porous media with different…
Run a diffusion problem to equilibrium
Hi, I am working on a diffusion problem with a small gradient. The anticipated equilibrium time is ~30000 years. The best simulation time I can get for now is ~1000 years.…
Strange pressure output from EOS7C
I have been struggling for several months now to understand how pressure is accounted for in some TOUGH2-EOS7C simulations that I’ve been running. The fact that the code outputs a single “Pressure”…
Modelling the incongruent dissolution
Hi all, I'm trying to simulate CSH(Ca-Si-H2O) dissolution, which is usually considered as an incongruent solubility behavior. I'm thinking how to simulate the reaction of CSH with high Ca/Si ratio…
MINC fracture spacing effect
Hi there, we are building a dual-porosity model in tough, I'm not quite understand how will the different fracture spacing affect the simulation result, when fracture volume fraction is the same?…
Failure restarting Toughreact simulation.
Hi Everyone, I want to run a model with the geochemical data of a previous model. I follow the manual instructions changing the names of the SAVE and savechem files to INCON and inchem.…
MINC interface surface area
Dear Stefan, I have been working with MINC for some time now. Just today, I found out that the interface surface area between two adjacent cells is the same for the fracture and matrix volumes.…
Estimating multiple time-dependent rates from the same source?
I'm attempting to estimate two time-dependent rates from a heat source/sink, but it appears only to allow estimates of the first one that's listed in the iT2 input file.…
Adding multiple restart times for the same event
I noticed that the iT2 command index didn't include any examples of how to incorporate multiple restart times for a single event. It wasn't entirely straightforward for me to troubleshoot,…
Failure to set up a constant boundary concentration by input a large volume in the first cell
Dear Sir or Madam, Sorry to disturb you. I set up a simple 1-D contaminant transport model using TOUGHREACT v3.0 following the 8.1 Problem 1 – Aqueous Transport with Adsorption (Linear Kd) and Decay…
Effect of the diffusion coefficient(D0) on the TOUGHREACT
Dear Sir or Madam, Sorry to disturb you. I found a problem when I run the example model in the 8.1 Problem 1 – Aqueous Transport with Adsorption (Linear Kd) and Decay (EOS9) in TOUGHREACT User Guide…
EOS3 (precipitation, pressure)
Hi, I am doing my project in about numerical modelling of geothermal reservoir by Petrasim (Tough2-EOS3). I have a question about assigning unsaturated zone in top layer below atmosphere layer .…
Dirichlet and Robin Boundary problem
Dear Sir or Madam, Sorry to disturb you. I am setting up a very simple 1-D contaminant transport model. And I was wondering if I just apply the boundary water with a injection concentration C0 to…
Outputting total flow rates from the FORWARD option
I'm having difficulty getting iTOUGH2 running a forward simulation to output total flow rates across a defined connection using eco2n. The only way I've been able, thus far,…
Making binary output from Tough2 (run with iTough2 enhancement)
Hello guys, I tried to get mesh/grid and properties in binary format using MOMOP MOP2 item 24 but failed. Any advise?
Restart option with PetraSim
Hello everybody, There is a procedure for the restart of a though2 run. I interrupted a run of Tough2, I can restart it where it left off? Thanks
Radial Heat Pipe problem
Hi all, I'm hoping someone else has run into this question before. I'm trying to run the radial heat pipe (rhp) sample problem found in the TOUGH2 Manual.…
Mass input in .out file
Hi everybody! Could anyone tell me if is it possible to see the CO2 mass input in petrasim output file? I've tried to check it on Volume and Mass-Balances, but it isn't there.…
Need Help Choosing EOS Module
Hi everybody, I'm pretty new to TOUGH2 MP. I'm hoping somebody can help me, which EOS module should I use? To modeling natural gas production and reservoir compaction I use FLAC3D with a 3D…