TOUGH3; long running time (3D model)
Hi everyone, I am trying to build 3D model for CO2 injection in underground saline aquifer that is upper bounded by impermeable strata which extends to the surface.…
About auxiliary equations.
In tough+hydrate equilibrium model without inhibitor, what auxiliary equations (besides three governing equations) are used to construct a solvable set of equations?…
Mobility concept in TOUGH (Parameter MOP(11) )
Hi dear group, I hope this wouldn’t be a silly question I am working with an unsaturated column composed of sandstone and mudstone layers. As first step (and using EOS9),…
Error running PEST protocol with model generated by Fortran executable
Hey everyone, I'm trying to use the iTOUGH2 PEST protocol to calculate coefficients of a constitutive model relating the viscosity of a sodium nitrate brine with mass fraction and temperature.…
gravity-capillary equilibrium in EOS3
hello, I am using EOS3 (TOUGH3-eos3 windows executable) to simulate a gravity capillary equilibrium along a 1-D column but I keep running to convergence failure issue.…
How to build windows executable file(.exe) through TOUGH3 code?
I tried to build an executable file by mingw32 on the UBUNTU platform, but I failed.
Problem with visualizing material type in ParaView
Hi every one, I have run initialization simulation to obtain initial pressure and temperature conditions that follow hydrostatic pressure gradient and geothermal temperature gradient, respectively.…
set different diffusion coefficient for different layer
As far as I know, only one solute diffusion coefficient can be set for all aqueous species,which is not practical. Is it possible to set different diffusion coefficient of one solute for different…
Visualizing grid blocks
Dears, I have the attached MESH file generated using MESHMAKER. I would like to know if there is a simple Python code that enables me to read and visualize the grid blocks in Pyvista.…
how to get the variations of mineral volume fraction from the PetraSim?
Hi,everybody I am trying to finish one the examples of the petrasim manual about TOUGHREACT. I have successfully executed the program, but couldn't find any variations of mineral volume…
Specifying initial conditions for layered reservoir
Dears, I am trying to model CO2 injection in stratified saline aquifer reservoir. I have to provide initial conditions for my model considering hydrostatic pressure gradient and geothermal…
Numerical instabilities introduced after printout
I'm running a simulation with intermittent printouts using TOUGH3. I noticed that, after some of those printouts, numerical instabilities are seemingly introduced that stall the remainder of the run.…
TOUGH Tips & Tricks
A Faster Way to Make You a TOUGH Expert The following is a collection of TOUGH Tips and Tricks that may help you solve TOUGH problems. To post your own TTT,…
where to specify the tolerance of gas transport in tr2.0
Hi: from a recent simulation, 'runlog.dat' shows the bellow error message: Warning: chemistry did not converge at node a 8 (routine NEWTONEQ), Non-convergence type: absolute Node temperature (C): 10.…
Large runlog.out file
Hi I am having problems with large runlog.out files causing my disk size to get full quickly. I have made sure that the parameters responsible for this in REACT block are not made greater than zero…
Compiling against more up to date PETSC version
Hi All, Just a question regarding compiling TOUGH3 against a PETSC versions higher than the 3.7 branch. Has anyone tried this? Is it possible? I know at some stage a number of the PETSC function…
Two time steps with restart gives different results than one without restart
Hello, Do you know why a restart during 6 hours (for example) after one time step (6 hours for example) is different from one time step of 12 hours? In my simulation with eos4,…
Hi All, I am a newbie to the TOUGH simulator and trying to create a small model for brine injection using EOS7 module. While I am trying to run the model,…
Phase transitions with tough3-eos7r
Hey everyone, I wanted to share an issue I've been having lately. I'm attempting to run a simulation with a vaporization front using tough3-eos7r. I've successfully run the problem with eos7,…
TOUGHREACT (v1.2) not considering fluid density due to salinity?
Hello, I am using EOS9 to model a plume of leachate entering the top of an aquifer to evaluate the resulting changes to water & mineral chemistry. I have noticed that when injected,…
Radial mesh
Hi all, I am using radial mesh to model a column, which is defined by R and Z. Is it possible to model only 1/4 of the column with a theta (θ)? I don't see where to set this. Regards, Antonio
Postprocessing ToughReact (or Tough2)
Hi. Any preferred tool for post processing, including visualization and analysis ability for ToughReact? Seems that Tecplot is used by some people. But the vendor states that the output files (or…
What is the use of 'aquatic complexes'
I am wondering how aquatic complexes may change the simulation results. below are my findings: 1. aquatic complexes, if declared in 'chemical.inp', are assumed to be at equilibrium with basic…
TOUGH3; Running time is too long
Dears, I am trying to run a simulation using 2D model for CO2 injection in stratified reservoir. I have 650 grid cells in the radial direction and 79 grid cells in the z-direction as illustrated…
TOUGH-3 Parallel compile on Windows 10 / Ubuntu terminal
Hi All, Has anyone managed to compile TOUGH3 in PARALLEL on Windows 10 with Ubuntu Terminal? I have followed Curt's instructions and managed to compile in serial (i.e.…