Maximum point for time-dependent injection

Dear all,

I am trying to prescribe more points for cyclic injection scenario. I checked the TOUGH2 manual, which indicated to use LTAB for the number of points in the table of rate vs time. However, the GENER 1.1 F1 , F2 and F3 use the format of 4E14.7. 

So does it means that the maximum of points is 4? I tried to change 4 to 10, then it did not work out. Is there anyways to increase the uplimit ? 


Many thanks

1 reply

    • Mikey_Hannon
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    It just means you can only enter up to 4 entries per line.  To enter 10 entities, you’ll need to use 3 lines (4 on first, 4 on second, 2 on 3rd). Enter the times in the first 3 lines, then the injection rates (in kg/s) on the next 3 then (if you’re using non isothermal simulations) the specific enthalpies on the last 3.

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