How to compile T2Well-ECO2N v1.02
Dear all
I had downloaded the source code of T2Well-ECO2N (, and I am now trying to compile it by gfortran on a WSL environment. I understand that the modules called ‘DraftFluxModel’, ‘GravityPotensial’, and ‘SurfaceTension’ are used. I found the module ‘DraftFluxModel’ is written in DFM.f, and the ‘GravityPotential’ is in mudfv.f. However, I could not find the module ‘SurfaceTension’ at all. I am wondering I do not have complete set for T2Well-ECO2N. I have also difficulties in compiling T2Well by gfortran; the variables in the modules were not recognized properly in the program (unclassifiable statement). If anybody compiled T2Well-ECO2N V1.02 successfully on a WSL environment, please tell me the compile options.
Takahiro Nakajima (RITE)
2 replies
Dear Takahiro,
"SurfaceTension" module is in the file "eco2n_well.f". To compile T2Well-eco2n, I do not know how to do it using gfortran. But if you have intel fortran, I am happy to help if needed.
Thank you
Dear Yingqi
Thank you for your comments.
I thought "VariableRanges" is the module in eco2n_well.f, but I found "SurfaceTension" is in the source file as well. Thank you for your notice. Concerning the compiler, i will try other one. If I have still any troubles, I will ask your some help.
Thank you.