How to identify the cause of an incomplete simulation run
I have a problem to identify the cause of the incomplete simulation run for the attached input file. The simulation ends before the specified total simulation time without error messages! The simulation is for CO2 injection in a saline aquifer 2D radial model. How can I identify the reason for the simulation termination?
8 replies
I don't see any obvious problems with your input file. Could you post your output file?
In the ICP=7 formulation for capilliary pressure, Pcmax < 1.0 acts a flag that changes how the Pc versus Sl curve is calculated for small values of Sl. I have not used this feature very much, but it did seem to work with a value of Pcmax=CP(4)=1E-3.
Refaat G Hashish, regarding the flat part of your curve at early saturations, consider also to change the irreducible water content that you set in the CP(2). As TOUGH manual indicates, this has to be l chosen smaller than the corresponding parameter in the relative permeability function.