call TOUGH in jupyter notebook and PyTOUGH
Hi All, I am using PyTOUGH to automate TOUGH simulation. However, when I try to call TOUGH in Jupyter notebook with this command subprocess.call(["path_to_my_tough3_executable(tough3-eos1)",…
Run ends early
Hi, I was working on a larger block mesh using a doublet configuration for an aquifer, over 10 years. When I made the mesh finer, the simulation timed out and quit after 16 hours.…
zero pore pressure boundary condition
Can TOUGH3 define pore pressure Dirichlet boundary condition as zero values? In order to validate the coupled THM code, I have to compare the numerical solution to analytical solution.…
TOUGH3-FLAC3D time step setting
Hi, I am trying to couple TOUGH3 and FLAC3Dv7.0 through python scripting engine built in FLAC3D software. I am confused about the time step control after reading some published papers (e.g.…
MAX.RES. is small but DELTEX keeps decreasing
Hi All, I am running TOUGH3 EOS7C. The simulation seems stuck at extremely small time step. Please see below for the failure message. You can see that the residual is already very small but the time…
Varying Flow and Enthalpy
Hi, The requirements for the injection are such that an enthalpy value is normally assigned. Given a process of surface system heat transfer, the enthalpy of injection must vary with the production…
How to Add Velocity Parameters in TOUGH3 Input file (.dat file)
Hello Everyone Here I have attachted my TOUGH3 input file, I want to edit this input file by adding Velocity parameter in which TOUGH3 internally calculates it as output.…
How to visualize MESH file (output from TOUGH3) in paraview?
Hello TOUGH3 Forum I got MESH file as a output of TOUGH3 simulation (attached) and want to visualize it in paraview. I have also tryied to read this MESH file in Python(spyder) importing toughio but…
An error running the "CO2 leakage along a fault" example in toughio tutorial
Hi, When I was trying to run the INFILE generated by the "generate_model_parameters_input_file" script, I had this error message: "forrtl: severe (408): fort: (2):…
Facing problem to set boundary conditions
Hello TOUGH User Forum, I am Asma Recently, working on TOUGH3 simulation Here I have attached a TOUGH3 Input file (TOUGH3_Structure_Simulation.dat file) which is extracted from Leapfrog TOUGH after…
Can TOUGH3 EOS7C model temperature below 13 celsius degree?
I am modelling groundwater and gas migration using TOUGH3 EOS7C. I set up the model as an isothermal problem with a constant air temperature 5 degree (temperature assigned for atmospheric elements)…
error compiling TOUGH3 on Ubuntu : Failed to build TOUGH TPLS
Hi All, I tried to compile TOUGH3 on a new server with Ubuntu 20.04 but not successful. (Please refer to the error.png for error screenshot). I have all dependencies installed and their versions…
van Genuchten - Mualem model
I am reviewing the RPCAP keyword with the G-M model (7). There are recurring terms Sl, Slr, and Sgr that are not defined in the User Manual. I understand "irreducible water saturation" is Slr.…
Methods to Place GENER Block
Hi, What is the fastest method that people use to identify the placement for their GENER blocks? For example, I want to place multiple wells as producers at a specific depth and injectors at another.…
How to remove grid cells from simulation
Hi everyone, I am working on 3 dimensional model that includes injection well, leaky well, injection zone, cap strata, and shallow aquifer. I am using T2Well to run the simulation.…
How to create the following grid structure
Hello everyone, I would like to know if TOUGH3 /MESHMAKER has the capability of creating the following grid structure. In this structure, number of grids in one layer is different than the above and…
Radial heat transfer with MOP(15)=5
I plan to simulate fluid flow in a discretized wellbore (discretized with volume elements on a radial mesh) using ECO2M with heat transfer between wellbore and the surrounding formation.…
Error compiling TOUGH3 and AZTEC
Hello, I have a problem compiling TOUGH3 on Ubuntu 22.04. Here is the terminal error message. In the AZTEC err.log file (also attached) it says that: "Flow control statements are not properly nested.…
time range in GENER and PARAM
Hi All, The time steps shrinks to E-07 near the end of simulation period. I found this message in the OUTPUT file. QQQQQQQQQQ SUBROUTINE QU QQQQQQQQQQQ --- [KCYC,ITER] = [1452, 1] 0.…
Run T2Well in Parallel Mode
Hi everyone, I am using T2Well to run simulation case for a coupled wellbore reservoir system. The model consists of 25000 grid cells. The simulation case considers different processes including…
parallel mode runs with 2 processors but not more than 2
Hello, I am running a restart model (eos7c module) in parallel mode. However, it does not run well with more than 2 processors. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this? Thanks, Haiyan
Local Grid Refinement in T2Well
Hi everyone, I am using T2Well to model CO2 injection in reservoir system which has two wells; injection well and monitoring well. As far as I understand, in T2Well,…
How to interpret the data in CO2TAB file
I am trying to model temperature perturbation during CO2 injection in saline aquifer using TOUGH3/ECO2N. My INFILE is modified after the INFILE of "rcc3" sample case.…
Hi All, I got the error below in running TOUGH3-EOS7C. Any idea how to cope with this? Thanks, Haiyan EOS7C WARNING. H2O MASS FRACTION IN THE GAS WAS LESS THAN ZERO IN 1 GRID BLOCKS.…
T2Well (Error message)
Dears, I got the following error message in the output file while running T2Well case. Array size for connections is not enough: NCON= 243220 but MNCON= 57000…