TOUGH3-FLAC3D time step setting

Hi, I am trying to couple TOUGH3 and FLAC3Dv7.0 through python scripting engine built in FLAC3D software. I am confused about the time step control after reading some published papers (e.g., Rutqvist, 2002). With regard to the explicit squential coupling method (as the figure shows), I have no idea of how to set time steps in TOUGH3.

Here are some of my questions:

  1. Since I need to update the porosity & permeability every time step, should I set the maximum number of time steps (MCYC) =1 to force TOUGH to stop after one time step?
  2. If so, how should I choose the length of time step in TOUGH3?  Should I set TIMAX equals a fixed number or DELTEM equals a fixed number to determine the length of one time step?
  3. I think using a fixed time step length during simulation might be time-consuming. Can I realize the automatic time step control in TOUGH3-FLAC3D coupling (just like TOUGH does itself)?

I would greatly appreciate any answers and suggestions. Thanks for your kindness in advance!

1 reply

    • Nicholas_Fry
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Were you able to solve this? I have a very similar requirement to change enthalpy, based on model outputs, at the point of thermal breakthrough. There seems to be no other way then to stop, change the model property, and rerun the entire model. To stay sane the only imaginable way to do this is accepting error through large (incorrect) periods of the run. There seems to be no documented pythonic method of synchronizing the model to any other changing variables from what I have read of TOUGHIO, PyTOUGH, or otherwise. The code will not take a function either, which would be helpful in the case that one output should result in an input change at a specific GENER.

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