How to visualize TOUGH MESH file in pyvista?

Hello TOUGH3 Forum,

I got the above files, and want to visualize it with some python packages, e.g., pyvista or pytecplot. Now I can only read "MESH" file with the following code through toughio: 

parameters = toughio.read_mesh("MESH")

which returns a dictionary. The output of this "MESH" file should look like some 3D graphic of terrain as shown in the above figure.

Please let me know if there's any solution to the current problem. Thanks so much! 

1 reply

    • Jan_Tecklenburg
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    The MESH file does not contain the information to reconstruct the full geometry. For this reason you cannot do this. Instead I suggest to use the mesh in the picture as a starting point to setup your simulations.

    When you have a mesh in a format readable by meshio (I prefer VTU), you can use it as a mesh in TOUGH. See the first example: https://keurfonluu.github.io/toughio//examples/index.html

    After the simulation, toughio helps you to attach the simulation results to the mesh.

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