AZTEC solver - rapidly increasing temperatures going out of range
I am running an inj/prod well doublet in a geothermal reservoir with free gas at the top of the reservoir so using EOS7C (with 4-12 cores depending). The AZTEC solver crashes rapidly b/c the…
Increase time step size?
Hello, I am working on modeling the flow of CO2 and H2O in the hydrothermal system of a volcano using ECO2N V2. My eventual end goal is to have a cylindrical mesh (depth of 4.…
Error compiling TOUGH3
Hello, I am trying to compile TOUGH3 in Ubuntu (Windows subsystem for Linux 2), ./complie_T3_Linux.sh 1 I get an error message "Script ERROR: Failed to build TOUGH TPLS" at "Performing configure…
SAVE file not consistent with OUTPUT
Hello, I am running TOUGH3 EOS7C for a gas reservoir modeling. The SAVE file will be used as INCON but I realized that some SAVE files are not consistent with the OUTPUT file.…
End time of simulation
Hello, I am trying to inject CO2 in a saline aquifer and I want to observe the results at 7 different timesteps form 1 year to a 1000 years. However, in some cases,…
Getting Started: Homogenous Aquifer
Hi, I am getting started with TOUGH3 and have not run a simulation. This is my first time attempting any substantial numerical modeling. I would like to create an infile to run 30 years with a…
meshmaker error, increments problem
Hello everyone. i am a masters student trying to do simulation with tough+hydrate. i am trying to create a Mesh to use the ELEME NAME in my source and sink block but i keep getting this error.…
Controlling BHP in TOUGH3's INFILE
Hello, how can we control the bottomhole pressure in the INFILE of TOUGH3?
Format of INCON and SAVE file
Hi, I am trying to capture the block status (perm, poro, pressure etc). In the previous TOUGH2 or TOUGHREACT, the INCON or SAVE file could contain the perm, porosity, and pressure,…
Setting atmospheric, impermeable, and adiabatic boundary conditions
Hello, I’m working on modeling the flow of CO2 and water into a hydrothermal system using EOS2. I want to set the top boundary to atmospheric conditions and the side and bottom boundaries to…
TOUGH3-failure in linear solution
Hello I am currently modeling on TOUGH3 CO2 injection in a 3D grid and the reservoir of interest has a dome-like shape with 4000 elements. It's taking about three hours to complete a full run,…
MPI_Allreduce error
I am getting this error (see picture attached) while running EWASP with 16 cores. Any thought as to what's going on? Thank you in advance for your help.
GOFT files only printing for one component (COM1)
Running EWASG and GOFT files are only printing for COM1 and not for COM3 (see my INFILE attached). I have two generation elements per node (the injection /production wells move two components,…
Hi all, I'm experiencing an issue with the use of the GOFT keyword under Tough3. I don't manage to obtain the GOFT output files, and have no reason why.…
Problem with running the sample (r2dl) using TOUGH3/TMVOC
Hi, everyone, I had been using TOUGH2 family code. Recently, I began to use TOUGH3, particularly using TMVOC module for my research. I firstly tested the Problem No.…
Efficient time stepping with great variability in pumping/shutin period durations
Dear colleagues, I am history matching a pumping test that consists of two 3day flow periods each followed by a 10d shutin periods. The flow rates were not constant during the pumping periods and…
I was hoping someone would be able to help me troubleshoot this issue. I'm running EOS7C in TOUGH3. This is my OUTPUT file explanation of the error. CYCIT .......... KC = 1 KCYC = 1 DELT = 0.…
EOS7c and NCG injection
Dear all, I am using EOS7c module, to model the injection of a NCG (either CO2 or N2) in a depleted CH4 reservoir. As soon as the mass fraction of the non-condensible gas X_NCG_G approaches 1 (i.e.…
AZ_calc_blk_diag_inv: ERROR: the factorization has produced a singular U with U[2][2] being exactly zero.
I am running a 3D TOUGH3 model with EOS7C and the AZTEC parallel iterative solver. Occasionally I receive this error that ends my model run, and the OUTPUT file gives me no clues as to what is going…
Infinite Acting Aquifer
I have a TOUGH3 model (EOS7C) that is showing signs that the model extent is not wide enough in the East and South directions (pressures increasing over time).…
Access violation
Hi I encountered following error. Has anyone experienced this and if so how did it get resolved?
Time-Dependent Material Properties
Hello, Is there a way to implement time-dependent material properties (block ROCKS) in TOUGH3? I am interested in assigning time varying permeabilities (prescribed as a function of time).…
eco2m Fortran runtime error
I have been getting the following error when beginning a TOUGH3 run using the eco2m eos: TOUGH STATUS: Total preprocessing time = 17.409522771835327 At line 3180 of file…
COM2 injection with eco2m eos
I have not been able to find any documentation on how brine injection is handled when using eco2m. NaCl is COM2 in the GENER block. I would assume that salt mass fraction of the brine would be part…
Can TOUGH3 model temperature below zero degree?
Hi All, I am new to TOUGH and plan to use it in modeling a borehole thermal energy storage system. However, the ground temperature surrounding the system may drop to below zero degree.…