SAVE file not consistent with OUTPUT


I am running TOUGH3 EOS7C for a gas reservoir modeling. The SAVE file will be used as INCON but I realized that some SAVE files are not consistent with the OUTPUT file. For example, I have SAVE files for 5 time steps.

SAVE.1 -> 10s

SAVE.2 -> 3600s (1h)

SAVE.3->86400s (1 d)

SAVE.4->30 d

SAVE.5 -> 365 d

It turns out the first 4 SAVE files are good but the last SAVE file is not consistent with the OUTPUT file.

I attached screenshot of SAVE.5  and the OUTPUT file.

Can anyone point me of the issue?

Thanks in advance,


4 replies

    • Staff Scientist
    • Christine_Doughty
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Dear Haiyan, I am surprised to see slight differences in P and T between the SAVE and OUTPUT files.  Can you verify that the SAVE file is actually for the same time as the output file (kcyc=17, t=0.315360e8 sec).  This information should be on the final line of the SAVE file.  One possible thing that is suspicious to me is that timestep 17 converged on 1 iteration (note (  17, 1) in the top line of the output screenshot), which means that TOUGH did not actually do any calculation.  Check your other "OUTPUT DATA AFTER" lines for the outputs where SAVE matched OUTPUT: did they require more than 1 iteration?  Christine

    • Haiyan_Zhou
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Christine,

    Thanks for looking at this. 

    I checked the final lines of the SAVE.5 file, it is indeed for the time 0.315360E+08 (screenshot attached).

    I also checked the iteration lines where SAVE file matched OUTPUT, they need 3 or 4 iterations (attached below). Does it mean SAVE file will not match OUTPUT whenever there is only 1 iteration to converge? Then where are those values from?



    • kenny
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Can you post the input and outputs? I am interested in investigating the reason for this problem.

      • Haiyan_Zhou
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view


      The files are pretty big. I can share the OUTPUT file and the SAVE file if you can provide an email address.

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