Increase time step size?


I am working on modeling the flow of CO2 and H2O in the hydrothermal system of a volcano using ECO2N V2. My eventual end goal is to have a cylindrical mesh (depth of 4.5 km and radius of 40 km) with CO2 and H2O being injected at the bottom.

I first started by making a small version of the mesh (depth of 4.5 km and radius of 100 m) in order to get my input file working correctly. I started by running the smaller model without any injection in order to allow the pressure/temperature/whatever else to equilibrate and reach steady state. I then ran the model again from those initial conditions while injecting CO2 and H2O and I got it to run to 50-100 years with no issues, which is about as long as I need the model to run.

However, now I am working on scaling my model up to the full size I need and I’m running into issues that I have been unable to resolve. I have increased the size of the mesh to a radius of 10 km (still with a depth of 4.5 km). Again, I’m first running the model with no injection in order to allow things to equilibrate and reach steady state. As far as I can tell, it is running without any errors, however by the time the model reaches 9999 time steps, it has run for less than 2 years and the time steps it is taking are tiny (less than 500 seconds). I know that I can increase the maximum number of time steps and let the model run for longer, but when it is only increasing by at most 500 s each time, the model might take days to run.

So, my primary question is whether there is something I am doing or not doing that is impacting the size of the time steps and whether there is a way that I can increase it so that the model might run faster. I have attached the files associated with this if that is helpful. I would really appreciate any help that people can provide!



1 reply

    • kenny
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    The convergence speed is a challenge problem for some TOUGH simulations. There are many reasons can cause bad convergence. In your case, it looks like the equation 3 (CO2 mass balance equation) causes bad convergence. Frequent phase changes in your simulation could be one of the reason leading to bad mass balance of CO2. Following approaches may help to improve the convergence:

    (1) use loosen convergence criteria

    (2)  run isothermal simulation

    (3) increase the gridlock sizes

    (4) less formation heterogeneity.

    (5) reduce injection or production amount.


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