No convergence in NSIN at - non-isothermal simulation T2WELL/ECO2N
Dear TOUGH community users, I am trying to simulate CO2 injection using T2WELL/ECO2N. In the model, the grid is radial and both wellbore and reservoir are initially fully saturated with water X3=0.…
Who can send me a TMT2 program, thank you
I need to convert the grid generated by GMS to tough2 format
Subroutine NSIN
Hi everyone, I am running ECO2N in Tough2-mp, to simulate CO2 injection in a 3D model. Initialization of the model goes without problems, and the output is used as initial conditions for the CO2…
applying heat load in BHE and varying input T?
Hi all, I am using T2Well with TOUGH2 to model a borehole heat exchanger and was wondering if it was possible to apply a heat load to the BHE? I have tried something of the form below:…
Format of INCON and SAVE file
Hi, I am trying to capture the block status (perm, poro, pressure etc). In the previous TOUGH2 or TOUGHREACT, the INCON or SAVE file could contain the perm, porosity, and pressure,…
Setting atmospheric, impermeable, and adiabatic boundary conditions
Hello, I’m working on modeling the flow of CO2 and water into a hydrothermal system using EOS2. I want to set the top boundary to atmospheric conditions and the side and bottom boundaries to…
TOUGH3-failure in linear solution
Hello I am currently modeling on TOUGH3 CO2 injection in a 3D grid and the reservoir of interest has a dome-like shape with 4000 elements. It's taking about three hours to complete a full run,…
MPI_Allreduce error
I am getting this error (see picture attached) while running EWASP with 16 cores. Any thought as to what's going on? Thank you in advance for your help.
How should I compile TMVOC and use executable to run a simulation in the Windows 7 operating system?
Hello everyone, I have an executable for TMVOC and I am not sure how to use it to run a simulation. I tried to run problem 7 mentioned in the manual on the Windows 7 PC, but it could not work.…
Tuning diffusion coefficients for water isotopes
Hi @Eric Sonnenthal I have a few questions about modeling diffusion for water isotopologues in an evaporating soil. Basically, the setup (following Singleton et al.…
GOFT files only printing for one component (COM1)
Running EWASG and GOFT files are only printing for COM1 and not for COM3 (see my INFILE attached). I have two generation elements per node (the injection /production wells move two components,…
Hi all, I'm experiencing an issue with the use of the GOFT keyword under Tough3. I don't manage to obtain the GOFT output files, and have no reason why.…
Problem with running the sample (r2dl) using TOUGH3/TMVOC
Hi, everyone, I had been using TOUGH2 family code. Recently, I began to use TOUGH3, particularly using TMVOC module for my research. I firstly tested the Problem No.…
TOGA released for licensing
TOGA released for licensing. TOGA (TOUGH Oil, Gas, Aqueous) is a numerical reservoir simulator for modeling non-isothermal flow and transport of water, CO<sub>2</sub>, multicomponent oil,…
CHEMP block for diesel and gasoline?
Hello, does anyone know where I can get access to a CHEMP block for diesel fuel and gasoline? Preferably, reference documents justifying the parameterization would also be helpful,…
Pressure vs CO2 DG
Hi everyone, I've asked my self a question that i can't find a plausible answer, i hope that you can help me with this. It regards to CO2 injection at 15 ºC and 33 MPa on a reservoir…
T2WELL/ECO2N problem with mass rate
Dear TOUGH2 community users, I am new to T2Well and I am trying to simulate pure gas-CO2 injection with several radial wellbore cells and only one big reservoir cell,…
Pressure reporting: Tgh2-ECO2M
Hello ECO2M users, It is about pressure reporting of Tough2 when running a 1D radial model initialized with only water, flooded by CO2 at Its center using ECO2M. I get the following curves.…
Efficient time stepping with great variability in pumping/shutin period durations
Dear colleagues, I am history matching a pumping test that consists of two 3day flow periods each followed by a 10d shutin periods. The flow rates were not constant during the pumping periods and…
I was hoping someone would be able to help me troubleshoot this issue. I'm running EOS7C in TOUGH3. This is my OUTPUT file explanation of the error. CYCIT .......... KC = 1 KCYC = 1 DELT = 0.…
Radioactive chain decay
Hi Is it possible to simulate radioactive chain decay (i.e parents produce daughter elements) in TOUGHREACT? It is more complicated than the simple decay equation,…
Mass balance issue on mineral phase during CO2 injection in radial system
Hi everyone, we use a typical case of CO2 injection (see details in Andre et al. 10.1016/j.enconman.2007.01.006) at 200 b in a radial system, so it was using the 2007 version of toughreact.…
How to create meshes with local grid refinements
Hi, I wonder if there are meshing tools I can use to create cartesin grids with local grid refinements as the picture shows. In essence is to split specific cells into smaller discrete elements.…
Using TOUGH ECO2N for Core flooding
Hi all, I am curious to know if TOUGH2 is able to model a core flooding. Suppose that there is a core sample of length 30 CM. I have tried, however my simulation didn't converge.…
3D Visualization Software
Hi, guys! Some questions have been bothering me for a long time, I need help! OK, I have built a 3D model. But when visualizing with tecplot,the result is not what I want.…