Hello everyone.
i am a masters student trying to do simulation with tough+hydrate. i was to create a Mesh but after i keep getting this error. The samples files run normally but when i use the increments i created from excel, the file refuse to run. someone pls take a look at my file attached.
the reservoir is suppose to be 200m wide in x dimention discretized into 90 grid blocks nonuniformly with 0.1 as the smallest size close to the well, the y dimension is just 1 and z direction have 326 block of 200m with the hydrate and gas zones discretized finely 0.1-0.5m and overbudden and underbudden with coarser blocks, top and bottom boundary of 180 cells with just 0.001m.
i made this increments but it refuse to run. pls help
3 replies
correction: the z dimension is 393.9m. there are two wells at the first and last block in x dimension, the well start from the hydrate zone to the bottom of gas zone at the z dimension as described in the file.
thank you
Hi Mahmud,
This error seems to be related with a conflict in data format. I see your mesh increments are shifted one character to the left, and meshmaker (Fortran) expects a 10-character width number, I suggest trying to align your increments to the right with the corresponding column.