Assigning source/sink in GENER block without element name/ using meshmaker
Hello dear,
A using cartesian grid of 200 x 340 for x and y dimension. Am not sure how to assign the element block data and the connections.
I have the Meshmaker software which i fill in all the input records but running this in cmd doesn’t work, I have no idea how to generate the Mesh.
And I find out after going through the whole manual that to assign the source/sink in GENER block I need the element name where the location of the well will be which is not available in the meshmaker input file. Is the meshmaker supposed to provide the element data after running? Or how do u assign the wells?
Pls help
11 replies
The mesh file generated by meshmaker should include the coordinates of each element of the mesh. Based the coordinates of well, you can find an element located at the same location as the well and use that element as the well element.
It seems something wrong with reading input file please try:
MM.exe <Stencil_3DCart >Stencil_3DCart.out
Kenny or anyone pls
The meshmaker run successfully, the error is from the increment. I dont understand the manual explanation. from the example. Is the number of increment (NX 76) the same as the number of grid blocks in X? I am trying to assign increment for my 200m X dimension which is discretized into 90 with 0.1m as the lowest increment for well radius, and 20m of the 200m has 45 meshes. how can this be done pls?
the error in my input seems to be from the well assignment. The meshmaker created two wells A and B, i try to follow ths manual but it seems i am missing something. well A is supposed to be injecting hot brine at constant pressure just under the equilibrium pressure and well B is also producing at a constant flow rate.
Maybe the error could be from the well assignment
But one error i can clearly see is that T+H is unable to find the material you are referring to in the file{rocks section) and the material name you entered in the Meshmaker file.
so double check the names of the material in these two places
The unknown materials were actually in the Mesh but i made a mistake of typing WELLA instead of WellA and the the boundaries were missing in the rock media block so i added these and that error was gone.
I still have issues with the SSGROUP and GENER.
This is my present data:
&SSGroup_General_Info number_of_SSGroups = 1 /
&Individual_SSGroup_Specifics SSGroup_name = 'Wells',
definition_mode = 'NameList',
number_of_SS = 2,
format_to_read_data = '*' '
A2R00Inj01 144 74 1 COM1 2.16E+01
A2R75Pro01 144 74 1 MASS -8.33E-00144 and 74 here are NADD and NADDS to show the vertical extension of the wells in 144 layers of hydrate and gas zone.
COM1 is because i am injecting hot brine and MASS is for producing gas and water at constant pressure.
the injector flow rate is 21.6kg/s
(1) Then format is wrong for SS_GROUP namelist input. You may take a look of the source code, to make sure the correct format requirement (it changes sometime).
(2) I do not think it is good idea to use NADD for NADS for multiple-layer wells. It may be ok for several layers, but not 144. I would suggest you using a simple scheme to represent the well.