Proppant transport
Dear all, what is the best way to simulate proppant transport in Tough2 or 3? Thanks, P.
Visualizing grid blocks
Dears, I have the attached MESH file generated using MESHMAKER. I would like to know if there is a simple Python code that enables me to read and visualize the grid blocks in Pyvista.…
Run T2Well in Parallel Mode
Hi everyone, I am using T2Well to run simulation case for a coupled wellbore reservoir system. The model consists of 25000 grid cells. The simulation case considers different processes including…
parallel mode runs with 2 processors but not more than 2
Hello, I am running a restart model (eos7c module) in parallel mode. However, it does not run well with more than 2 processors. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this? Thanks, Haiyan
Error in reading INCON - Problem 5, eco2n_1D Radial
Hello, In problem 5, eco2n_1D Radial, I am using the input files provided (flow, solute, chemical, CO2TAB, .dat, and executable) to run a q=0 kg/s flow in order to find the equilibrium conditions…
radial grid visualization pytough
Dear TOUGH community, I have a radial grid in PyTOUGH and would like to visualize it. Is that possible? I have been searching and only found examples on rectangular grids with the function geo =…
How to set a production well with constant pressure
Hi everyone, How to set a horizontal production well with a fixed pressure in tough + hydrate? When setting source / sink in Gener, SS_ Type can only set a constant flow rate.…
Input of pollutant data
Hello everyone, now I have the pollutant distribution data of a site, and I want to import this pollutant data as the initial condition of the model after running the flow field model.…
Understanding SOLVR - From problem 5, 1-D Radial Injection of CO2 flow.inp file
Hello, I have been looking for what the 3rd, 4th, and 5th lines of SOLVR in the 1D Radial CO2 injection problem are but I cannot locate them in the manual.…
Visualizing Results from T2Well using Paraview
Hi everyone, I am trying to visualize the results obtained from T2Well (OUTPUT file) using Paraview. I tried to use the following steps: 1. Install toughio in Anaconda prompt, 2.…
Tough2-FLAC 3D
Hello guys . I need help . I am trying to convert the coordinates (x,y,z) in tough2 output files into nodes of FLAC 3D. I came across FLAC2TOUGH but this matlab code convert FLAC 3D data into tough2…
Error Message
Hi everyone, I have the following error message while running T2Well. Can anyone clarify what is the problem? At line 677 of file t2f.f (unit = 5, file = 'stdin') Fortran runtime error:…
Local Grid Refinement in T2Well
Hi everyone, I am using T2Well to model CO2 injection in reservoir system which has two wells; injection well and monitoring well. As far as I understand, in T2Well,…
How to import field reservoir properties data into reservoir model in TOUGH2?
Hi everyone, I have field data showing spatial temperature and salinity variation of a given reservoir. I would like to know if these data can be imported in a reservoir model in TOUGH2.…
How to interpret the data in CO2TAB file
I am trying to model temperature perturbation during CO2 injection in saline aquifer using TOUGH3/ECO2N. My INFILE is modified after the INFILE of "rcc3" sample case.…
Hi All, I got the error below in running TOUGH3-EOS7C. Any idea how to cope with this? Thanks, Haiyan EOS7C WARNING. H2O MASS FRACTION IN THE GAS WAS LESS THAN ZERO IN 1 GRID BLOCKS.…
T2Well (Error message)
Dears, I got the following error message in the output file while running T2Well case. Array size for connections is not enough: NCON= 243220 but MNCON= 57000…
Hi All, I am running TOUGH3 EOS7C for gas production and want to restart the simulation after some time. I rename the SAVE file as INCON (keep the +++ lines as I want to continue with time scale)…
iTOUGH2 work with EOS7C
Hello, I am new to iTOUGH2 and wanted to estimate parameters in a model with EOS7C module. I learned from the iTOUGH2 users guide that the maximum number of primary variables (MAXPV) is 4.…
Set multiple processors in Windows cmd for TOUGH3 running
Hello TOUGH community. I am using TOUGH3 after compiling the codes with Microsoft Visual Studio in Windows. I can run the code with a single processor, but how can I set the multiple processors?…
Associating the variables to the numbers in a flow.inp file
Hello everyone, I am trying to understand what is what in the ELEME and CONNE sections of the flow.inp file for "1-D radial flow problem for CO2 injection into a saline aquifer" (problem 5 ECO2N).…
pT+H compiling
Hi Dear All We are trying to compile a parallel version of Tough+Hydrate (pT+H). So far we have been able to generate executable files of the Parallel version of TOUGH+HYDRATE (pT+H) at the…
MeshMaker-Eleme Name Missing when Num of Het.Layer>200
Hi Dear All, I am trying to generate meshes by using meshmaker v.1.5. When the number of heterogeneous layers is more than 200, the name of elements disappears and 1 was written instead.…
Maximum Extraction Rate for nodes on DELV?
Hello all, I wasn't able to find out in the T3 manual if there is a way to cap the output from a GENER element set on DELV such that the initial rates are not so huge.…
Difference between Tough+hydrate v1.2 and v1.5 version
Is there a reason why Tough+hydrate v1.2 can open some files and Tough+hydrate v1.5 can not?