SMCO2 is not increased
Hello I am using Toughreact v3 for simulation for CO2 injection and our simulation runs well, however, CO2 is not mineralized after the simulation has finished.…
Empty SAVE file
Dear All, I have run the executable tough2 with the input is a DAT file (got it from Petrasim). When I run the simple model, it worked. But when I made a field model in Petrasim and got the DAT file,…
EOS3-sink/source rates are piecewise constant, how to set up?
As mentioned in the title, I want to set the piecewise constant sink/source rate as shown in the attached figure, but I can't achieve the desired result after setting it many times in petrasim,…
Last bock in CO2TAB file
Hello everyone: I have difficulties to understand the last block in CO2TAB file and search for help from here. I know the previous blocks are pressure, temperature, viscosity,…
Hi Everyone, I'm new at using ECO2N of TOUGHREACT. And the following problem is encountered when I used PetraSim to simulate. It's a simple model. And I model a strata from -2260m to -2900m below…
Tough2-MP post-processing and visualization
Hi everybody, can anyone, please, advise on software to extract and visualize results from TOUGH2-MP with ECO2N? I realise that EXT is not an option to extract results to tecplot,…
CONVP block in solute.inp
Hello everyone: I have a question about implementing CONVP (chemical convergence bounds for time stepping) in solute.inp. I firstly make MOPR(10)=2 to make simulator read CONVP block.…
Why MESHMAKER not writing MATERIAL to MESH file: 2D Radial heterogenous Mesh: what is wrong?
hello moderator/everyone i adapted TSN_Radial example from MESHMAKER V1.5 example: but when i run it, it makes mesh file but it it it does not write material to mesh file.…
call TOUGH in jupyter notebook and PyTOUGH
Hi All, I am using PyTOUGH to automate TOUGH simulation. However, when I try to call TOUGH in Jupyter notebook with this command subprocess.call(["path_to_my_tough3_executable(tough3-eos1)",…
Run ends early
Hi, I was working on a larger block mesh using a doublet configuration for an aquifer, over 10 years. When I made the mesh finer, the simulation timed out and quit after 16 hours.…
Pre-Processing using Matlab
Hai everyone, I am new to using tough2 simulation. Do anyone has experience in using Matlab as pre-processing to run the tough2? I tried to follow the code from the internet which is…
zero pore pressure boundary condition
Can TOUGH3 define pore pressure Dirichlet boundary condition as zero values? In order to validate the coupled THM code, I have to compare the numerical solution to analytical solution.…
Ice in porous media T+H
Is it possible to model gas hydrate simulations in ice-bearing layers? Although there are different ice phases in TOUGH+HYDRATE, when we add ice into the system we got convergence failure problem.
TOUGH3-FLAC3D time step setting
Hi, I am trying to couple TOUGH3 and FLAC3Dv7.0 through python scripting engine built in FLAC3D software. I am confused about the time step control after reading some published papers (e.g.…
How to realize an air-injection well with constant bottom-hole pressure?
Dear all, I am using the EOS3 module to simulate the injection of air into a confined aquifer via a fully penetrating well. In order to prevent potential damage to the rock formation,…
MAX.RES. is small but DELTEX keeps decreasing
Hi All, I am running TOUGH3 EOS7C. The simulation seems stuck at extremely small time step. Please see below for the failure message. You can see that the residual is already very small but the time…
Is TOUGHREACT only suitable for NaCl salt?
Hello everyone, I am conducting an experiment using different salts and distilled water to prepare brine. I was wondering if I can simulate the experiment using TOUGHREACT as it appears Toughreact…
Inserting Permeability
Dear all, I am using Petrasim E0S5. I would like to know how to input different permeability and porosity for each grid block. My model is 3600 elements.…
Use input files for injection rates at many timesteps?
Hello, I am trying to include many CO2 and brine injection rates over a range of timesteps in TOUGHREACT. I was wondering if I would be able to call a file with all of the data I want in GENER,…
Hello, I am using Toughreact version 4.13 to solve CO2 storage problems. However, I still don't understand the physical meaning of PRIMARY SPECIES and AQUEOUS COMPLEXES,…
Varying Flow and Enthalpy
Hi, The requirements for the injection are such that an enthalpy value is normally assigned. Given a process of surface system heat transfer, the enthalpy of injection must vary with the production…
How to Add Velocity Parameters in TOUGH3 Input file (.dat file)
Hello Everyone Here I have attachted my TOUGH3 input file, I want to edit this input file by adding Velocity parameter in which TOUGH3 internally calculates it as output.…
How to visualize MESH file (output from TOUGH3) in paraview?
Hello TOUGH3 Forum I got MESH file as a output of TOUGH3 simulation (attached) and want to visualize it in paraview. I have also tryied to read this MESH file in Python(spyder) importing toughio but…
Pre- & Post- processors - What are their Pros and Cons?
Greetings I need to develop reactive-transport models with TOUGHREACT and run simulations as part of a project on "subsurface barrier formation as a CO2 leakage mitigation and remediation…
REMINDER: Symposium Abstracts DUE: WED, April 19
This is just a reminder that Symposium Abstracts are DUE: Wednesday, April 19 Visit the website for the abstract template, submission link, and other information:…