Some questions about TOGA
Dear TOUGH community users, I am new to TOGA and I have some doubts about TOGA.
(1) Whether mineralization reaction can be added to TOGA, so that I can determine the distribution of mineralized storage CO2 in the reservoir;
(2) Whether TOGA can be combined with T2WELL to realize composition simulation of reservoir-wellbore coupling;
(3) I want to inject CO2 into the reservoir to achieve CO2 flooding and storage. I want to understand the phase transition and thermal effect of CO2 in the wellbore and determine the distribution of CO2 under different storage mechanisms in the reservoir (such as mineralized storage, structural storage, and bound storage). Can I use this software to achieve these functions?
3 replies
(1) TOGA is similar to the compositional model for oil reservoir simulation. It simulates the flow/ transport and phase changes of gases and hydrocarbon components, but no mineralization reaction.
(2) To my knowledge, T2well coupling with TOGA is not available.
(3) You may use toga for co2 flooding simulation in oil reservoir, but no mineralized storage. You can use toughreact for CO2 flooding in gas reservoir, but no oil.