Installation of TOUGH2-MP with METIS Version 5
TOUGH2-MP uses METIS for graph partitioning. Issue: TOUGH2-MP Does Not Run with New METIS Version In June of 2011, a new version of METIS became available.…
Wrong end-of-line character leads to compilation and run-time errors
Issue: Compilation or Run-Time Errors Depending on the system, text editor, and file distribution used, files may have invalid end-of-line or other special characters embedded,…
Wrong estimation of machine precision leads to non-performance (issue arises on 64-bit machines)
All TOUGH simulators require 64-bit arithmetic for accurate results. The number of significant digits represented by the TOUGH programs is evaluated internally in subroutine FLOP.…
What does the core module do?
- Answered
How do I know which module I need?
- Answered