Disappearing gas phase during simulation of CO2 injection
Dear all, I am trying to simulate an injection of CO2 into a brine saturated aquifer with Toughreact 1.2 and ECO2N EOS module (1D, radial). Everything works fine until the gas saturation Sg in the…
Is there a possibility to extent the TOUGH2 pressure range?
Hello everyone, I am using TOUGH2 to simulate two phase flow in deep subsurface waste repositories. The pressures in the systems can reach quite high values due to gas production and high…
Webtool for creating TOUGH2 input files
Dear all, I am a newbie in TOUGH but I heard rumors that there is a webtool somewhere out on the web which can assist in setting up native TOUGH2 input files,…
How to assign pore pressure gradient
Hi, I have a question in assigning the pore pressure gradient in TOUGHREACT? I tried to assign the pore pressure to each zone by the txt file, but failed. Is there anyone has the experience? Thanks.…
TOUGHREACT ECO2N, temperatures higher than 110 ˚C
I am using Petrasim 5.3.1203 for a scenario to inject water and 5% CO2 in a deep geothermal reservoir to examine the mineral interactions and their impact on the fluid flow.…
Question about Restart in TOUGHREACT
Hello Everybody, I am struggling to get running a restart and I would really much appreciate your insights. I'm using eos1 in toughreact_V2. The first run is a 2d model in which I have 8 minerals,…
Water column above soil for infiltration processes
Dear Stefan, I investigate infiltration processes to look after the most effective one for a specific area. For that reason I would like not only to change the infiltration beginning and ending but…
In-situ oxidation of TCE
I am trying to model the in-situ oxidation of TCE by KMnO4. In particular I want to determine the overall effects of concurrent solid phase (MnO2) precipitation,…
Errors in diff summary after installation_testing
Hi to everyone, after having iTOUGH2 installed, I tried to check whether everything is OK with the installation. As a result, I ran the "installation_testing" script,…
Dual porosity flow crash
Hello, I'm trying to set up a EGS simulation where 120 °C water is injected into a 270 °C reservoir. The aim is to get the system up and running with TOUGHREACT but since those simulations keep on…
Using the GMS for TOUGH2 visualization
Hi Andrea, I saw you used GMS for TOUGH2 pre and post processing. I already made my MESH file for TOUGH2 with Wingridder. Can I use GMS for visualization and other post processing?…
Do you need a pre- and post-processor for tough2? Try GMS.
Do you need or like to work with: Complex geology? Conceptual modelling? Statistical analysis? Original TOUGH2 formats? Then one possibility is to use GMS as a pre-and post-processor.…
Modified van Genuchten model
Dear Stefan, Regarding the paper by Luckner et al. 1989 there is a relationship between pressure head h and water content θ. In the modified van Genuchten model there is more or less the same…
hello, I am from IWS Uni Stuttgart. I am new to itough2. I have error while running itough on cluster. see details and attachment.
Hi, I am running my simulations on Dumux (Our inhouse simulator) and using itough2 for estimating parameters. I have three parameters (permeability, porosity and relative permeability n).…
Failed mass balance for CO2 if "Two Fluid Phases conditions" employed
Hello everyone, I am trying to run the geochemical equilibration of brine with a sandstone rock composed of several minerals (mostly quartz 70%, around 4% carbonates and some feldspars and clay…
Lower limit of mesh grid?
Hello, I have the following problem by creating a mesh grid with Meshmaker: XYZ NX 20 0.0004 NY 2 1.0 NZ 20 0.0004 or XYZ NX 20 0.125 NY 2 1.0 NZ 20 0.…
Scientific format of numbers in TOUGH2 input file
Hi. I just experienced some strange behavior when trying to run 1D gravity equilibrium for ECO2N module with TOUGH2-MP for test case 4 (rtp7). I used the following ROCKS block in the input file…
Defining ِDirichlet / Neumann boundary conditions in ECO2N
Hello I am trying to define different types of boundary conditions in TOUGH2 with ECO2N module to see the effect of B.C on the simulation. I think the TOUGH2 code simulates Neumann conditions by…
simulating diffusion process in long time (near equilibrium) with TOUGH2
Hi! I am trying to simulate a simple diffusion poblem with TOUGH2. I am using EOS3, I can't get any results for long term (near equilibrium time which is in my problem around 80 days).…
Gravity equilibrium for case "*r1dv* -- CO2 Discharge Along a Fault Zone" using ECO2N and TOUGH2-MP.
Hi! I have some comments/questions regarding the gravity equilibrium for test case *r1dv* ,section 5.3.1 in the ECO2N user manual page, 39. Using the ECO2N module and TOUGH2-MP,…
How to set-up a model that reacts only on the surface
I am trying to set-up a model that simulates a leaching experiment. The material is very impermeable (flow is not supposed to go through) and based on existed data,…
Signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault
Dear all, I just encountered following error while executing a TOUGH-ECO2M sample problem: Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.…
RTSOL keyword. Problem 4 (*rtp7*) - CO2 Injection using ECO2N for TOUGH2-MP
Hi! I am using TOUGH2-MP with the ECO2N module. In the install directory "eco2n/rtp7", I find the INFILE for the test case " Problem 4 (*rtp7*) - CO2 Injection into a 2-D Layered Brine Formation".…
Error Message - out of range in SATB
My simulation of injecting co2 into a homogeneous reservoir using eco2n stops with the error message: +++++++++ REDUCE TIME STEP AT ( 50, 1) ++++++++++++++++ NEW DELT = 0.…