Analytical solution for TOUGH2-ECO2N
I am currently using TOUGH2-ECO2N. I would like to compare and check my numerical results with an analytical solution. I am wondering if "Theis solution" is applicable to simulate the CO2 injection process. If not, would you please let me know about the analytical solution that can be used in this case.
1 reply
A single-phase flow model should be a good approximation for pressure changes calculated by a two-phase flow model at zones beyond a CO2 plume. This means that the Theis solution can be used to check calculations by a numerical model as long as the assumptions behind the Theis solution with regards to geometry, homogeneity, etc. go along with those of the numerical model. Please see the following paper where results of an analytical model are compared with those of a TOUGH2-ECO2N model:
Ground Water. 2013 Mar;51(2):252-67. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2012.00972.x. Epub 2012 Aug 8.
Pressure buildup and brine migration during CO2 storage in multilayered aquifers.
Cihan A1, Birkholzer JT, Zhou Q.