Dear T2Well users; Looking for a tool to design CO2 injection aiming at CCS. T2Well-ECO2N software is new to me, I wonder if it is only a 1D simulator?…
Coupled Wellbore Flow
Hi guys, I am trying to use an external file name f111a as a table for the TYPE + ITAB (f111a) for an specific source. However, I am getting error messages in the T2.out file and the iT2.out file.…
Problem 5.3 Problem No. 3 (r1dv) - CO2 Discharge Along a Fault Zone from the ECO2N manual.
Hello everyone! I am trying to reproduce Problem 5.3 Problem No. 3 (r1dv) - CO2 Discharge Along a Fault Zone from the ECO2N manual. I am having trouble correctly generating the mesh.…
The TOUGHREACT V4.13's calculation time is long
Hi everyone, I have been trying to run TOUGHREACT V4 Deep Salt Formation 2-D Radial Model Problem 6 with the instructions in the manual. However, I encountered the following two troubles:…
After the result data is imported into tecplot, the title does not match the graph.
Hi, everybody. I have an OUT file import Tecplot mapping problem, very eager to get your help.😵 I made a extraction model by petrasim ( injection of CO2, extraction of deep saline water, ECO2N ).…
Can tough or petrasim achieve reservoir heterogeneity ?
Hi, everybody. I have a potentially untimely question, tough or petrasim can characterize reservoir heterogeneity ( e.g., porosity random field, permeability random field ) ? If yes,…
Tydol100 is a good pain reliever.
Tydol 100 To treat moderate to serious Acute Pain, a drug called a tablet is used. Pain is an unpleasant feeling and sound that can be caused by a possible or real tissue injury.…
molecular diffusion
Hello, my dear friend I wonder what the difference between the two spreads above
What is the role of each code file in TOUGH3 ?
I want to modify the code to apply different k/k0 and phi/phi0 relationships for faults and rocks in TOUGH3-eco2n. Which part of the code should I modify?…
How to terminate TOUGHREACT when chemistry does not converge
Hi, everyone: Once setting a new TR simulation into running, the first file i regularly check is runlog.out to see if chemical calculation is doing well.…
Tapsmart 200 Medicine to Help with Back Pain
Tapsmart 200 tablets are a kind of medicine that has tapentadol as its active component. An opioid analgesic called tapentadol is used to treat acute and chronic pain,…
Flow out of the base of a hillslope
Hello, I am attempting to model flow out of the base of a homogeneous hillslope using TOUGH2. I have set a constant head boundary on both the uphill and lower hillslope edges and defined the upper…
mesh format for TOUCH
Dear community, I am an absolute beginner and have a very basic question about the required mesh format for TOUGH. Is it possible to use unstructured tetrahedral mesh in TOUCH?…
Have anyone used the TMVOCbio module? Is it possible to determine the amount of microbiological quantity in each grid and their corresponding biodegradation capacity?
Have anyone used the TMVOCbio module? Is it possible to determine the amount of microbiological quantity in each grid and their corresponding biodegradation capacity?
Simulation stops automatically at (9999,9)
Greetings, I have developed a field scale stacked reservoir model to simulate the flow and transport of sc-CO2 in the subsurface. In my model, the domain is 1 km in lateral extent and vertically it…
The question of EXT extracting data from a petrasim output file
Hi everyone I want to use EXT extracts data from a Petrasim-TOUGH2(Petrasims is a pro&post processor for TOUGH) output file and generates TECPLOT preplot input.…
Can't read MESH properly
Hi everyone, I am facing the problem when running iTOUGH2. The program can't read mesh (minimum X-Y coordinate) properly based on the TOUGH2 model that I exported from Petrasim software.…
How can the relationships between permeability (k/k0) and porosity (Φ/Φ0 ) in the fault be changed?
I am using ECO2N to simulate CO2 leakage in a geological formation with a fault (See the fig). I need to apply different relationships for permeability (k/k0) and porosity (Φ/Φ0) between the fault…
Hello, It looks like I am running into this exact issues described on page 10 of the Tough2 user manual (copied below). What suggestions do you have when this occurs?…
How to set up semi-analytical method to calculate heat transfer in t2well?
Dear TOUGH community users, Could you please advise on configuring the semi-analytical method for computing heat transfer in t2well-eco2m? As far as I understand,…
Run result SMCO2 is always 0
Shalom: This is an example of website 3.0 why SMCO2 has been 0 Thank the reply
Temperature dependence cation exchange
Hello, I included cation exchange in my simulation, in which I simulate injection of hot (90 degrees C) water into a relatively cold aquifer with the exact same composition.…
ECO2N / ECO2M: handling of wettability in a dry zone
Hi folks, When exposing the initially brine-filled grid cells near injection point to CO2 injection, a dry zone is established. At a certain condition of flow and rock properties water saturation…
How to find a grid index
Hi, I am having trouble finding a grid index. I used FOFT to show temperature changes over time. However, I could not find the specific grid index I wanted to show the results for.…