closed loop borehole + reservoir capability

Hello community, 

I am new to TOUGH family. I want to simulate a closed-loop geothermal heat exchanger (eg: similar to U-tube) coupled to reservoir modeling. I saw many literature on modeling a wellbore which is an open type (meaning mass transfer takes place between wellbore and formation), but not on closed loop systems (where there is no mass transfer but occurs only heat transfer). 

Can anyone let me know if TOUGH3 has this capability? 

1 reply

    • kenny
    • 4 wk ago
    • Reported - view

    If the flow inside wellbore can be simplified as Darcy flow, you can use TOUGH3 for your simulation.  For a closed loop system, the heat exchange between wellbore and surrounding rock through heat conduction can be simulated either using regular TOUGH mesh or using semi-analytical solution (see MOP(15) options). If flow inside the wellbore is not important to you, you can treat the wellbore as heat source/sink term for the reservoir. If you need to accurately simulate the details inside the wellbore, you may need T2WELL/EOS3.   

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