Request for Location of newhyster.xls File for Hysteresis Graphs
Hello everyone,
I am currently working with the hysteresis(IRP=12, 13) in the TOUGH3 simulator as described in the Hysteresis User's Guide (https://tough.lbl.gov/assets/docs/Hysteresis_Users_Guide.pdf). According to the guide, there is a file named 'newhyster.xls' that can be used to plot hysteresis graphs. However, I have been unable to locate this file.
Could anyone point me in the right direction or provide a link to where I can download 'newhyster.xls'?
Thank you for your assistance!
Best regards,
2 replies
Hi Kohei, I have that spreadsheet. I am uploading it here. Let me know if it opens okay for you. Christine