Format of file where pressure changes over time
Hello Everyone,
I am working on another model where pressures will change over time. I am looking through the manuals for the TOUGH code and am wondering if you could direct me to a specific location where the format for temporal pressure changes may be found.
8 replies
I am trying to input a data from a table but have no clue how the values need to be configured to be read through the system.
Search for TIMBC in the User's guide. Good luck.
See this page in TOUGH3 guide. Yingqi
Thank you!
Hello again,
Yesterday I attempted to use the TIMBC block to provide a change in pressure at 9 different times.
I changed MOP (21) for TIMBC use, and followed the format outlined in the user manual to the best of my knowledge.
However, I am unable to see any changes in pressures at the element at the times specified.
I have attached the infile to this chat for your review, can look over the infile and let me know what may be the issue.