How does one track internal progress while the solver is iterating?
The model is taking a long time to run and there is no progress info in the Ubuntu command window. Is there a way to track internal progress? For example,…
Non-isothermal solution crashes
I am running a CO2 single injection well into a dipping saline aquifer. The model seems to be running fine in isothermal conditions but crashes when non-isothermal is turned on.…
Sequestered mass of CO2 not calculated/printed out by ECO2N
Hi there, I'm having a look at the example P5_eco2n (TOUGHREACT v332), on CO2 geological sequestration. To my surprise, the sequestered CO2 (output variable 'SmCO2') appears to be zero regardless of…
Hello, The input file I am using does not seem to be reading the INCON block. I am getting the following error: +++++++++ CANNOT FIND PARAMETERS AT ELEMENT *00001* XX(M) = 0.000000E+00 0.…
Looking for training sessions of Toughreact using Petrasim
Hi Everyone, I am new user of TR and I have research project that investigates CCS in Kazakhstan. Since the project can cover the training expenses, I would like to ask if anyone can explain how to…
How to identify the cause of an incomplete simulation run
Dears, I have a problem to identify the cause of the incomplete simulation run for the attached input file. The simulation ends before the specified total simulation time without error messages!…
injecting VOC mass through virtual cells
Hi everyone, I am trying to simulate a 1D diffusion scenario where the domain is a column comprised of 200 grid cells (domain is 1m*1m*20m with 200 cells in z-direction) and every grid cell has been…
Not to achineve the end time and no error
Hello everyone, I am trying to run a geothermal reservoir model with EOS1 to predict a production rate for 10 years and the calculation did not achieve the setting end time.…
Questions about TOUGH3 setup for 3D random permeability fields
Our lab wants to use TOUGH3 for the CO2 storage reservoir simulations of 3D random permeability fields. We are not sure about how to set up the 3D anisotropic permeability correctly in TOUGH3;…
Injection of different components with different densities (Soltrol into Glycerol-water)
Hello everyone, I want to use iTOUGH2 to simulate an injection experiment where the surrogate fluids mimic the density and viscosity contrasts of supercritical CO2 and brine under a deep reservoir…
How to consider the evaporation effect of water affected by temperature in tough2
How to consider the evaporation effect of water affected by temperature in tough2 (or what is the governing equation of water conversion in liquid and vapor)?…
How to output viscosity in the output results
Hello every one, I want to know how to output water and CO2 viscosity at every grid block in the output results file. Thanks in advance
How to compile T2Well-ECO2N v1.02
Dear all I had downloaded the source code of T2Well-ECO2N (T2Well-ECO2N_Source_v1.02.zip), and I am now trying to compile it by gfortran on a WSL environment.…
Area adjustment factor
I am currently doing some simulations of core based experiments using the kinetic model. With regards to terms in the equations I would like to confirm the notation.…
Infiltration into dry soil
Hello every one, I am new to work with TOUGH3 software. I tried to simulate 1D infiltration into a 1m high column of sandy clay loam with an initial head pressure of -8 m.…
Initialization (T2Well)
Hello everyone, I have the following question regarding initialization procedure for simulation using T2Well. I want to simulate the changes at wellhead of a monitoring well that extends to the…
Question on modeling water isotopes – after Singleton et al. (2004)
Hi Eric, I have been playing around with your water isotopes model of Singleton et al. (2004) and have a question about how fractionation factors are implemented in TOUGHREACT.…
How to consider the evaporation effect of water affected by temperature in tough2
How to consider the evaporation effect of water affected by temperature in tough2 (or what is the governing equation of water conversion in liquid and vapor)?…
PetraSim showing error for Toughreact simulation
Hello everyone, My name is Nurlan, I am a Masters Degree student at Nazarbayev University. I am a new user of Toughreact. Currently working on CCS project application in Kazakhstan.…
Maximum point for time-dependent injection
Dear all, I am trying to prescribe more points for cyclic injection scenario. I checked the TOUGH2 manual, which indicated to use LTAB for the number of points in the table of rate vs time.…
Material balance in TOUGH-FLAC
Hello, I have a question regarding the material balance in TOUGH-FLAC coupling. Let's say that I originally had a porosity obtained from TOUGH as 0.3, and then after the FLAC calculation,…
Calculating flow rate in a well on deliverability model
Hello everyone, I am trying to figure out the best way to calculate gas flow rate in a well. my approach is to first print out a COFT file and then sum up the values of flow rate between cells.…
Warning about Convergece
Hello, I'm new in iTough2. It's been a while since the lecture given by Stefan back in New Zealand 2014, at UoA. I'm having a converge issue while triying to run a steady state and then a transient…
AMD + AOCC/Flang
Hello all Does anyone have experience, and is willing to share, compiling any of the TOUGH codes on the latest AMD processors using the native compiler suite?
T2Well Output
Dears, Can the results obtained from T2Well be output in Excel file format (like TOUGH3)? Thanks in advance