Alternative for running immiscible brine-CO2 system

Hello folks,

Sometimes you may need a reference or a benchmark to see the effect caused by  implementation of an EOS as a whole. For a Brine-CO2 system, even unphysical, an immiscible run could be used to see the difference it makes contra pure flow simulator without any phase interactions. Is there an easy way to nullify the phase interaction in one of the CO2 inclusive EOSs? If so, can we have CO2 as a supercritical phase but still immiscible? 

Appreciate your feedback  

2 replies

    • Staff Scientist
    • Christine_Doughty
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I think what you are asking for is a system where you have brine and supercritical CO2, and no brine evaporates into the CO2 phase and no CO2 dissolves into the aqueous phase.  Is that correct?  I do not know of any way of disabling the evaporation or dissolution process formally, but you can keep them from happening by specifying in your initial conditions and generation block that supercritical CO2 is saturated with water vapor and brine is saturated with dissolved CO2.  Then no further evaporation or dissolution will happen, unless pressure or temperature conditions change enough to alter the evaporation or dissolution processes.

    • Godarzi_K
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Christine, I didn't get warning about your reply, I saw it now. Yes, your assumptions are right. Good idea. I Should definitely try this.  Thank you.


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