ECO2M: Meaning of VLIQ at Saq=100%
I am using TOUGH2-ECO2M, and I have a question about the scalar output parameters “Vliq” and “Vgas”. I’m using PetraSim as the post-processor, and the PetraSim windows shows “Pa-s” as the unit of both parameters. I am guessing this is dynamic viscosity. However, when I have S_aq = 100% in a cell, why is the viscosity of water shown to be “1” Pa-s, instead of the typical range of 0.001 Pa-s in a typical saline formation pressure and temperature? Is this an artificial filler used in TOUGH-ECO2M, or does it mean that I made some mistakes in my model somewhere that I need to look deeper?
Please let me know if you have some suggestions on this.
2 replies
Hello Nur,
I looked at one of the sample problem of ECO2M, the output file contains:
SAQ: saturation of aqueous phase
SLIQ: saturation of liquid phase
VISLIQ: viscosity of liquid phase
VISGAS: viscosity of gas phase
Remember in this module liquid phase refers to CO2-rich phase. It is possible that you have a cell with aqueous phase saturation 1, but CO2 rich phase saturation is 0. Viscosity of CO2 rich phase, VISLIQ is meaningless in this case. The standard print out does not inlcude VISAQ.
Hope this helps.