Asking for some basic training cases for TOUGH2/ECO2N model
Hello everyone, I'm a new learner of TOUGH2 for CCS project. I'm looking for some basic training case except from ECO2N Manual. I wonder if anyone could help me for this.
runtime in Problem 6 2-‐D Radial Model for CO2 Sequestration in Deep Saline Formation from TOUGHREACT V4
Hello everyone! I am working on Problem 6 2-‐D Radial Model for CO2 Sequestration in Deep Saline Formation from TOUGHREACT V4.0. I already got the results for the first 10 years...…
Temperature strange behavior
Dear TOUGH-community, I am simulating CO2 injection into a saline aquifer using T2Well/ECO2N - the model geometry is attached. Initially, the model is under hydrostatic equilibrium,…
Some questions about TOGA
Dear TOUGH community users, I am new to TOGA and I have some doubts about TOGA. (1) Whether mineralization reaction can be added to TOGA, so that I can determine the distribution of mineralized…
Stuck on Performing Simulation, and chdump.out stops writing resutls
It shows multi TIME=0 CHEM.ITRERATIONS is 1 for all of them So does this mean it doesn't converge on CHEM? Thanks
Describe the GENER block in context of the sample problem p6_eco2n
Could someone kindly provide an explanation of the GENER block, along with a discussion of its defined parameters, focusing on sample problem "p6_eco2n_2D_radial"?
Does TMVOCBio in TOUGH3 have any option for 3-phase hysteresis
Hi all, What I recall is that TMVOC did not have Hysteresis options for three-phase capillary pressure and relative permeabilities (see the link). Seems it is still the case in TMVOCbio (in TOUGH3).…
issue with standalone MESHMAKER
Hi all, when I use the built-in MESHMAKER in TOUGH, I first write the MESH block in the "flow.inp" file and then, I put the "flow.inp" file in a folder along with the executable file.…
Don't understand what causes this error
The first picture is the error from .exe, the second error is in the VERS, and only flow.out has been created flow.out:…
Gas production units in TOUGH+ is it m3/d or Sm3/d in Hydrate_Status : T+H v 1.5
I am trying to figure out whether T+H v 1.5 reports Sm3/d in Hydrate status file or simply m3/d. If it is m3/d then how do i get the necessary Thermodynamic variables to change it to Sm3/d.…
New to Tough simulator, question about Mesh
Hi, I am new to Tough simulator, and I have built a model in Gmsh, it would be great if anyone tells me what material I should look at to use my model. Thanks!
EOS7MG-A new TOUGH3 module for multiple gas mixture simulation
Recently, we have developed a new TOUGH3 EOS modules named ESO7MG. It is designed for modeling water, brine, and multiple gas species and their mixtures including hydrogen in subsurface multiphase…
PyTOUGH: trying to visualize interblock fluxes for a MINC mesh with 'write_vtk'
Hello everyone, cc. @adrian_croucher I've been working with MINC meshes with the aid of PyTOUGH, which is quite handy, however, when I want to visualize (interblock) fluxes using the 'write_vtk'…
Can TOUGHREACT automatically calculate injection rate into each element?
Hello, I was wondering if TOUGHREACT can automatically calculate the injection rate into each element without the user interfering? For example, I would like to injection 90 kg/s into a layer that is…
how to debug Tough3 in vscode
Hi all, When configuring, I changed the -- build type to debug, which can generate an executable file called tough3-eco2n in the tough3-install folder. Then,…
Metis and parallel computing in Tough
Hi All, I found many descriptions about Metis in the User's guide of Tough2-MP. However, there is little description of Metis in Tough3. So, is Metis used in Tough3 for parallel computing? Moreover,…
After write a code for mesh in notepad How do run it
Hi everyone. I am new here. How does one run a meshmaker simulation, i.e create a mesh from scratch.
Mesh Creation
Hi everyone. I recently started learning ToughReact. I’m trying to learn Mesh creation from scratch and how to create a 1D or 2D mesh. how to I go about this? What resources are available?
TOUGH+HYDRATES convergence issue in phase change
I want to calculate the depth interval at which gas hydrates forms, given P and T initial conditions, fixed on top. The idea is to run the model until it reaches the equilibrium,…
A problem about the direction of the anisotropic permeability
Hello everyone, I am using the EOS3 module to simulate the air and water flow in a hypothetical dome structure. I developed a 2-D radial model, and the PER in the ROCKS were set as 1e-12 (PER1),…
Error while running a T2LBM model
Does anyone know what is this error? forrtl: severe (157): Program Exception - access violation
Good Morning All, I believe that a version of MESHMAKER (Meshmaker 2?) exists that writes a CORNERS attribute defining the nodes of an unstructured grid.…
run time error M6201:math
Hello everyone, I don't know where this error occurs and how to solve it, hopefully you can help me,thanks!
How to visualize TOUGH MESH file in pyvista?
Hello TOUGH3 Forum, I got the above files, and want to visualize it with some python packages, e.g., pyvista or pytecplot. Now I can only read "MESH" file with the following code through toughio:…