V1.2 TOUGHREACT ECO2N IN PetraSim:Problems with initialization for flow and chemical field


I am new to TOUGHREACT and using v 1.2 ECO2N on PETRASIM to model CO2 Sequestration. And I have created a 2-D isothermal rectangle model and designed a temperature gradient of 3.8℃/100m and a pressure gradient of 0.38MPa/100m. Also, I create one initial water and two mineral zone.

By setting the right boundary column element to be fixed-state, I start the initialization for flow and chemical field, but it meets some error which says  ’Singular Matrix in Chemical Solver, STOP.‘

I don't know what went wrong. Does this have anything to do with the initial concentration setting of my chemical field? or related to the setting of my boundary condition? or the initial pressure and temperature?

I shall greatly appreciate it if anybody could give me some tips.



1 reply

    • Yonsei Univ, KOR,student
    • jade_cup
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi, Luo

    I saw that message during so many times, When I saw that message at the initial concentration about primary species are 0 (you can determine such as 1E-20), and Zone data was not determined about each cell.
    That problem occurs by various situation at that condition setting mistake time.
    I hope my small answer will help you


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