iTough2 parallelization by PVM
Hello, I appreciate a response on some aspects of PVM parallelization, in case you have some experiences with it. Is it possible to do the parallelization on a single machine with extended number of…
Deliverability model to simulate landfill gas collection systems
Hello I want to model the suction in landfill gas collection systems using Deliverability model. In landfills, we set a suction pressure and it collects the gas.…
Non-convergence when considering permeability heterogeneity
Hello again, the non-convergence problem is still unresolved when considering permeability heterogeneity in my TOUGH2/ECO2N CO2 storage model. In this model I used the default/common parameter…
Non convergence when considering non-isothermal or molecular diffusion in TOUGH2 ECO2N
I am using TOUGHREACT V3.32 to model CO2 injection in a radial 2D mesh with different layers in the z-direction. Before running the reaction part of the problem I wanted to test the flow part was…
CO2 storage simulation with heterogeneous perm field fails to converge
Hi all, I have a problem with building a geological CO2 storage model using the TOUGH2/ECO2N module. In this model, I considered a heterogeneous permeability field by using the PM-coefficients…
Setting permeability anisotropy with Voronoi elements
I'm trying to define proper permeability values for each connection in my Voronoi mesh file. Essentially, my PER(1) and PER(2) values are constant and equal to one another,…
salt, chemistry and permeability reduction in ECO2N
I am trying to simulate salt precipitation and corresponding permeability reduction upon CO2 injection using the ECO2N EOS in TOUGHREACT. Initially without chemistry.…
bottom flowing pressure well on delivery
Dear All, I would like to get an estimate of the bottom flowing pressure in a well that is cross cutting several layers and sometimes several cells in the same layer (when the well is deviated for…
How we can define a reaction with two minerals (such as reaction 1) in Toughreact’s thermodynamic database?
I am trying to simulate the precipitation of uraninite using reactive mass transport modeling. In my reactive transport model, Uraninite precipitates through the following reaction:…
How to get intermediate message during run-time?
Hi Everyone, I am a new T2-MP user and I would like to know how to obtain messages about the simulation during the run (intermediate message). Thank you very much for your help !
- Answered
Convergence becomes difficult after CO2 breakthrough (ECO2N)
Hi, I want to know why the convergence becomes difficult (so the time step becomes very small, or simulation terminates) near or after phase breakthrough.…
I encountered a problem with "ERRONEOUS DATA INITIALIZATION" , when I tried to run serval tests using TOUGH2-MP on IBM-AIX cluster. These tests had been successfully tested using the usual Tough2.…
An encoding issue when TOUGH2-MP reads INFILE?
Hi, When I tried to run an example problem using TOUGH2-MP on an IBM-AIX supercomputer, I encountered an initialization problem that the executor terminated perhaps due to errors of reading the…
Problem in Defining the Water Table
Hi everyone, I would like to know how to define the water table if I want it to be sloped or fluctuating? I really dont have any idea where this problem is coming from. Any help is appreciated.…
The reactive portion of the model seems not to run
Hi! I'm a new user of this interesting forum. I'm trying to simulate a diagenetic process by using PetraSim 5.4 (TOUGHREACT and EOS3). Therefore, for each new simulation,…
Hi All, I'm comparing MINC to mobile-immobile (MIM) models, most of which focus on transport (i.e., with the diffusion as the process connecting the two domains).…
How can I add a free-flow Neumann boundary condition to a boundary?
I understand that IFD framework has no-flow BC by default. I am trying to set up a 3D problem where all the boundaries except the top have no-flow BCs.…
The simulation of the general three types of boundaries
Dear Sir or Madam, I just want to simulate the general three types of boundaries (without any specific cases) in the inlet end: Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin.…
Data file Problem No.6 (*Case6_50kg_DP*) needed
Hello all. I am trying to run an EGS-CO2 model with TOUGH2 ECO2N. Is the example file Problem No.6 (*Case6_50kg_DP*) – GCS/GHE with a double-porosity reservoir in the manual available?…
Thermal Expansion Coefficient Of Water
Hello Forum, New poster here so please let me know if I should be looking elsewhere. I'm attempting to verify TOUGH2 against an analytical solution for 2D convective flow and one of the terms is a…
Tough2 EOS7C Gas Production Simulation Questions
I use EOS7C to simulate gas production for 2 years. The model includes 1 overburden layer, 1 underburden layer and 1 reservoir layer. After 2 years of gas production,…
no runlog.out file for error
Hi everyone, I am a beginner using toughreact. Currently, I am building up a 3 layered single phase model. After I built up everything, the model stop running after 1.8 seconds and shows me error.…
Boundary conditions
Hi, I am modeling the injection of fluid into a porous domain through a fault. I have a created multiple zones for the domain(sand, shale and fault) and put an injection well at bottom end of the…
TOUGH2 EOS1 viscosity
Hi, All I am using the EOS1 module to simulate fluidized sand mixing with water. I have read the tough2 manual. It seems like it is not available to modify viscosity,…
CEC: cation exchange capacity (meq/100 g of solid).
In ToughReact, does the cation exchange capacity have the time vector?Does it represents meq/100 g of solid/s?