Error compiling the utility kswitch_v2.3.f
I'm attempting to compile the kswitch_v2.3.f source code that came with TOUGHREACT v3.32. I'm using the gfortran compiler, and if this is relevant, I'm running this on Ubuntu v 17.10 as my OS.
I've attached the error message I receive, but it's mostly repeated instances of the following:
write(iout1,"(a)") trim(short(dum))
Error: ‘a’ argument of ‘short’ intrinsic at (1) must have a numeric type
By my cursory read through the source code, it looks like the variable dum is declared as a character, and the argument of short should be an integer.
Can anyone help me figure out how to fix this?
2 replies
Hi Mikey,
"short" is a function name in this program. It looks like gfortran doesn't like the name conflict. Just change the the name "short" everywhere to something different like "shorty".
Thanks! That seemed to resolve the errors associated with 'short'. There was one more:
do while (.not.eof(inp1))
Error: Operand of .not. operator at (1) is REAL(8)I did a little digging on this, and it looks like gfortran doesn't recognize the 'eof' to designate the end of the file. I did a workaround using the is_iostat_end function by following the steps below. This got me past the compiling error, but I still need to test it on a simple database to make sure it runs correctly.
- declare integer variables stat and q with other variable declarations:
- integer :: stat,q
- Write the following line before the line which was flagged by the compiler "do while (.not.eof(inp1))":
- read(inp1,*,iostat=stat) q
- Replace "do while (.not.eof(inp1))" with the following:
- do while (.not.is_iostat_end(stat))
- Repeat the line added from step 2 at the end of the do loop.
- read(inp1,*,iostat=stat) q
- end do <--- this is around line 480 of the utility source code.
I've attached the amended code here. I'm not sure why it was only uploaded as a .zip file.
- declare integer variables stat and q with other variable declarations: