Toughreact V4.13 COFT output
I have problems with the COFT output. I actually doen't know how to read it. I'm using Toughreact 4.13 Executeable, and the output of the COFT file give only some of the Indexes,…
SAVE file not consistent with OUTPUT
Hello, I am running TOUGH3 EOS7C for a gas reservoir modeling. The SAVE file will be used as INCON but I realized that some SAVE files are not consistent with the OUTPUT file.…
Vertical well and Perforated interval
hello Everyone, am trying to model an R-Z system with a vertical wellbore for depressurization using lower bottom hole pressure I am confused as to what boundary conditions and how to set these.…
inchem and INCON in TR- difference with TMVOC
Guys Just realized that if you remove +++ at the end of INCON, TR does not read inchem file. This is different with e.g TMVOC Kind regards Kaveh
Reaction rate >0 at equilibrium
I am running a simple test problem representing dissolution of a hypothetical "glass" mineral in a single grid cell. The solid phase consists entirely of glass, the pore fluid is water.…
End time of simulation
Hello, I am trying to inject CO2 in a saline aquifer and I want to observe the results at 7 different timesteps form 1 year to a 1000 years. However, in some cases,…
Web application toughio-dash released to public
Hello, The web application I developed to pre-process TOUGH input files has been released to the public and can be accessed via: https://toughio-dash.lbl.…
Well_Time_Series or Interface_Time_Seres.....What are these outputs....where to find description
Hello Toughers I ran simulation and i am having a hard time understanding the differences between the different headers listed in the interface output file which list production form the well…
Recompiling with higher number of ELEME/CONNE
Hi I remember I read somewhere which parameters to be modified to recompile the code (omp-v3.3) to include higher number of elements and connections. However I cant find it.…
Assigning source/sink in GENER block without element name/ using meshmaker
Hello dear, A using cartesian grid of 200 x 340 for x and y dimension. Am not sure how to assign the element block data and the connections. I have the Meshmaker software which i fill in all the…
Getting Started: Homogenous Aquifer
Hi, I am getting started with TOUGH3 and have not run a simulation. This is my first time attempting any substantial numerical modeling. I would like to create an infile to run 30 years with a…
TOUGH + Phase equilibrium Relationship...where am i wrong?
TOUGH+ has two phase equilibrium relationship 1. Kamath 2. Moridis I tried plotting Moridis Generalized equation taken for the manual and i find that its plot is different from the pic in the manual…
Meaning of this error ?
I am trying to model a depressurization of hydrate system. Once i run the model, i get erroneous initialization error: What doe sit mean and how can i solve it? Element 541 lies in the hydrate zone,…
Hello All, @Kenny or anyone pls find attached my input file for tough+, i just finish inserting all my parameters from the MEMORY block using equilibrium with inhibitor,…
Hello everyone. i am a masters student trying to do simulation with tough+hydrate. i was to create a Mesh but after i keep getting this error. The samples files run normally but when i use the…
meshmaker error, increments problem
Hello everyone. i am a masters student trying to do simulation with tough+hydrate. i am trying to create a Mesh to use the ELEME NAME in my source and sink block but i keep getting this error.…
Confining beds option geothermal doublet
Hello, Does anybody have a benchmark problem or an example for a geothermal doublet (with 1 production well and 1 injection well) in a porous aquifer using the confining beds option (MOP(15)=1)?…
The program stops unexpectedly
My file works, but it stops suddenly after a period of time. I have tried many methods, changing the grid, changing the parameter settings, changing the initial conditions,…
Controlling BHP in TOUGH3's INFILE
Hello, how can we control the bottomhole pressure in the INFILE of TOUGH3?
GENER block injection fluid
Hello, There is an option for injection component on the TOUGH+HYDRATE GENER data block defined by COM1, COM2, COM3, etc. However it doesn't specify how we can inject a particular fluid into an…
Blank MESH
Hello Stefan! I'm running the sample problems and I'm having a problem with the Heat Sweep in a Vertical Fracture for EOS1 - rvf input file. I'm creating a meshmaker with the characteristics given…
PyTOUGH: failing to write the GENER data block when the grid is defined with naming convention '0'
Hi there, Cc. @Adrian Croucher I've been trying to replicate a PyTOUGH example to set a heat flow boundary condition at the bottom of a 3D domain. Things work ok when my mulgrid object is based on…
How to change the volume in ELEME Block
I am fairly new to TOUGH -Hydrate and just simulating through the default files available. I would like to know how to or where to add the volume of the reservoir in ELEME Data Block and will have…
How to run or compile any code in Tough+Hydrate?
Hi! I am a beginner, recently my college has bought Tough+Hydrate. As I started to learn this software, I got stuck at the very first step. I thought to run the solved examples available,…