Hello Everyone:
I am pretty new to TOUGHREACT. I am trying to build a model to simulate Ba++ and So4-- reaction in porous media. The attachments are the input files I modified based on P8_EOS1 from samples.
However, when I try to run them using EOS1, the running results are shown in the picture. There is no information about the error. Could anyone please help me with this or tell me where I should look for. Thanks very much!
Have a great day!
4 replies
I am pretty sure something wrong with flow.inp formatting. Please try entering 2 empty lines before keyword RPCAP.
Hi Shijun,
Everything should be done in a stepwise approach, first flow, then injection, chemistry, perm change. etc., until you are sure the files and the results are correct. Look at the .out files to figure out where there was a problem in the inputs. Even if there is no error message, the last thing written in the .out file will be the last parameter read in successfully, so you can tell where the mistake was made. I made a lot of fixes to all your files to get it to run. It starts, but runs only for a little while, because temperatures go to zero. I'm not sure what you are trying to model, so that's as much as I can do. Some comments (look at my changes in the files): Do not put the ELEME, CONNE, and GENER blocks in the flow.inp file. TOUGH reads these and writes them out without the zero's. Then it reads them from the files and does not recognize them. The MULTI was not correct for EOS1. No enthalpies were given for the injection, and there should only be one component. I put in enthalpies for 60C just to get it to run, because you had 60C everywhere else. The initial time step should be always be around 1 second. Concentrations always have to be greater than zero. The initial conditions under the PARAM block were not correct for EOS1. The solute.inp was not correct for the current version. Again, always make sure the flow runs without chemistry, and you get the correct temperatures and pressures, etc. Then incrementally add GENER and then chemistry, etc. Always look at the .out files to see where things are crashing, because of incorrect inputs.