need help in using Ext.exe

Hi all, I'm having some trouble extracting the data from the OUT file generated by TOUGH2 using Ext.exe. My grid number is 19220 and connection number is 55459, the first time I extracted it I ran into the problem shown above, after that I expanded mnel and mncon in the ext source file, then I could extract the data file, but the parameters inside are confusing, I would appreciate if you can help me !
(The out file is given above)
6 replies
Can you also upload the MESH file? Thanks
Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, my ext files are in my old PC and I need some days to retrieve them.
You can note that the header of your data is not centred, so I modified it (see pictures).
Also, the line length is not 80 chars, but more. So you must change it in the code.
For your convenience, I used tough2viewer in order to produce vtu files and csv files.
Below, is just a view from PARAVIEW obtained with the file I created.
Here are the results and executable ext2.exe of your mesh and output data.