Compiling and Running TOUGHREACT v3.32 using Ubuntu/Linux
Hey everyone, I've been able to get the newest version of TOUGHREACT working with my workstation, which has Linux/Ubuntu (v 17.04) as its OS. Setting things up didn't go without hitches, though,…
FOFT keyword no printing
hi. I have been trying to select the elements of my interest to print out in the forward.out or another time series file like in the manual examples by using FOFT in my forward input file but…
The extent of CO2 injection cooling using ECO2N
Hi all, Aiming at thermal QC of another code by using Tgh2-ECO2N, I made a simple coarse model with dimension 25x5x100 where dx=dy=200m and dz=4m, por & perm were 0.…
creating T2Well .exe from source code
Hi, I have access to a T2Well and TOUGH3 license and would like to have a go at generating the executable from the T2Well source code. I can see in the T2Well/ECO2N manual that there is an NMAKE…
TOUGH+HYDRATE pre/post scripts
If there is any active user on T+H, is anyone interested in discussing pre and post processing options. After struggling for some time, I have managed to put some scripts in python to process both…
Trapping CO2 in ECO2N
Dear All, I am working on CO2 storage using ECO2N. In the output file, we have "P T SG SS XNACL YH2OG XCO2aq PCAP k-red" How can I calculate the residual trapping CO2 saturation and solubility…
Residual and solubility trapping
Hello everyone. I am working on Co2 storage using both ECO2N answer ECO2M. In the result we have 1-sg which represents the saturation of CO2 in gas phase.…
Compressibility On/Off in ECO2M
Hello folks, I posted a similar thread on TOUGH2, but here in TOUGH3, there seems to be an option under MOP2 where we can turn on/off the effect of compressibility on porosities.…
how to cancel or minimize VOC volatilization
Hi everyone! I am studying the transport of LANPL , but I do not want to consider the volatilization. How can I set up to cancel or minimize the volatilization of VOC
immature termination
Hi all, I'm trying to model an experiment where I had a cylinder filled with sand and some headspace on the top. The sand had some solvent in it. The whole cylinder was initially at about 100 degC…
Pore Compressibility in ECO2M
Hi guys, I have a 3D cartesian model where I assign constant porosity across all elements in the model. In TOUGH2, I think we can assign only a constant value of pore compressibility.…
T2Well questions
Hi there, Starting to play around with T2Well and having good fun. ;) Two things (at least) that I didn't understood: 1- ROCKS data block: the domain name for wellbore cells starting with 'x'.…
T2Well constant fluid properties and EOS1 relationship?
Hi, I am currently modelling a wellbore with constant density, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity thermophysical properties at surface temperature 40 degrees like so: Wella 2 1665.e00 1.…
Parallel Output in TOUGH-3
Good Morning, I have recently started to experiment with using TOUGH-3 in parallel. When I output the simulation variables in CSV format, it seems to print certain parts of the simulation grid twice…
Output the spatial results for specific layer
Dears, I would like to know if there is a specific way to print out the results (spatial results at a specified time) for a specific layer of grid cells.…
EOS7r incompatible with mesh
I am a toddler in using TOUGH, I have generated mesh using gmsh converted to tough by toughio. The output file does not indicate a major flaw. I really appreciate it if an expert can spare some time…
Calibrate rock properties of each element using PEST ?
Hello, I am interested in updating the permeability of each element of a TOUGH2 simulation using PEST, since I aim to calibrate it with geophysical observations.…
Software purchase question
Hello everybody! I am a graduate student freshman, and my supervisor asked me to use tough2 software. I didn't know this software before. I only saw itough2 on the website, but not tough2.…
Dears, I want to read the file SAVE output from tough+hydrate through the toughio library, but the code runs all the time and fails. How can I solve this problem? Thanks in advance
termination criterion following two time steps for which convergence on ITER = 1
Hello, It looks like I am running into this exact issues described on page 44 of the T3 user manual (copied below). What suggestions do you have when this occurs?…
Best Fortran Compiler and OS for iTOUGH2
I just received the files for installing iTOUGH2. I have not used the software before and I am new to working with Fortran. I am currently using a Windows operating system and I am wondering what…
Hello, I am trying to model a salt intrusion in a confined aquifer using TOUGH3 and EO7, following Henry's problem. I am defining initial conditions (with multi 2 2 2 8:…
A question about the additional mechanism under the Minerals entry in the chemistry.inp file
Dear All, Hello everyone! I just started learning toughreact software. At the moment, I am a bit confused about the description of the additional mechanism under the Minerals entry in the chemistry.…
No change in minerals vol. fraction
Dear All, I am a beginner in TOUGHREACT simulation and I have issues with getting results from simulation. This simulation performs simulation and there is no error indicated in the runlog file,…