without the addition of inhibitors
Simulating the process of hydrate formation, without the addition of inhibitors, why is there no hydrate formation in some cells
pressure remains constant during the formation of hydrate
I am using T+H to simulate the formation of hydrate. May I ask how to ensure that the pressure remains constant during the formation of hydrate by using the constant pressure method
Error in Problem 6 2-‐D Radial Model for CO2 Sequestration in Deep Saline Formation from TOUGHREACT V4
Hi everyone, I have been trying to run TOUGHREACT V4 Deep Salt Formation 2-D Radial Model Problem 6 with the instructions in the manual. however, I have only obtained results for the first 10 years…
Errors when compiling TOUGH2 ECO2N
Hello Every one, When I compiled the TOUGH2 ECO2N in Microsoft Visual Studio, I met the problem as follow, could you please tell me how to solve it? I have added T2CG2.f, MA28.f, MESHM.f, T2f.…
need help in using Ext.exe
Hi all, I'm having some trouble extracting the data from the OUT file generated by TOUGH2 using Ext.exe. My grid number is 19220 and connection number is 55459,…
TOUGHREACT error while loading shared libraries: libifport.so.5:, but used gfortran complied
I was trying to run some test files using treactv413omp_eco2n_linux, but I ran into the error: error while loading shared libraries: libifport.so.5: cannot open shared object file:…
Adsorbed amounts included in concentrations?
Could you please confirm whether the total concentrations that are output from a TR simulation include the adsorbed amount when using Kd linear adsorption?
AZTEC solver - rapidly increasing temperatures going out of range
I am running an inj/prod well doublet in a geothermal reservoir with free gas at the top of the reservoir so using EOS7C (with 4-12 cores depending). The AZTEC solver crashes rapidly b/c the…
Increase time step size?
Hello, I am working on modeling the flow of CO2 and H2O in the hydrothermal system of a volcano using ECO2N V2. My eventual end goal is to have a cylindrical mesh (depth of 4.…
Problem 5 –1-D Radial Model for CO2 Sequestration in a Deep Saline Formation (ECO2N
Hello everyone, I have been working with the example "Problem 5 –1-D Radial Model for CO2 Sequestration in a Deep Saline Formation (ECO2N)". This problem has a constant injection of CO2 for 10 years.…
Problem 5 – 1-‐D Radial Model for CO2 Sequestration in a Deep Saline Formation (ECO2N)
Hello.. How do you get the results to graph the figure Figure 1.5—3 Cumulative CO2 sequestration by carbonate mineral precipitation for different times (a) CO2 sequestrated?
TOUGH2-MP : simulations halted after 1 day simulations
Hi every body, I'm using TOUGH2-MP version 2.01 Under Linux (Debian). I've did some changes in the code and compile it without any problem (named later as testv2.1).…
how could FLAC3D simulate the deterioration of soil when coupling with TOUGH
I am read many essay about FLAC3D+TOUGH, including FLAC3D+TOUGH2 and FLAC3D+TOUGH+HYDRATE, and i have completed the couple with FLAC3D AND TOUGH+HYDRATE,…
Quick Initialization, got P-T, but how to use it/load it in 2D or 3D model
Hello everyone I ran a quick 1D initialization of TOUGH+ simulation to get P-T distribution. However, i am stuck at what to do next. How do i use it in my 2D or 3D grid.…
tecplot see my output files for loading
How can the plot_data_element file and other be loaded into tecplot pls?
Relative permeability curves in tough2
Hello Every one I faced problem with the relative permeability curve while I working with tough2.1 to build a 3D reservor model for CO2 storage by using both the source code and also the petrasim…
Output flux of aqueous species
I would like to output the flux of all aqueous species across specified connections. Is this possible? I am using TR3.32. Thanks, Heather
I am trying to model chemistry reactions in porous media. To build the model from the base, I run the case without injection/production or any chemistry reaction. From the flow.out, the MAX.…
A question about coupling TOUGH2 and FLAC3D
I have read many articles about coupling TOUGH2 and FLAC3D, most of them said FLAC can calculation the effective stress and strain after reading the data from TOUGH such as pore-pressure.…
CO2 injection in a depleted oil field
Hello, what module do you recommend for the simulation of CO2 injection in a depleted oil field? Some examples would also be helpful.
Error compiling TOUGH3
Hello, I am trying to compile TOUGH3 in Ubuntu (Windows subsystem for Linux 2), ./complie_T3_Linux.sh 1 I get an error message "Script ERROR: Failed to build TOUGH TPLS" at "Performing configure…
Volume and Mass Balance Error in flow.out
Hello, everyone. I am using EWASG model to simulate chemical reaction (Ba+2 + SO4-2 = BaSO4) in porous media. Although I define the initial water and assign it to the matrix,…
Gridblocks to represent sink and source
Hello all. I want to assign two vertical wells (137 layers) at the opposite end of my I dimension. I am stuck getting error messages trying to use GENER block’s NAD and NADS.…
Postprocessing example error using triangulate
Hello guys, I was trying Postprocessing examples from samples in TOUGH3 (rcc3, co2qthermal) for any mesh file using "postproc_triangulate.py", and it was giving this error. please help!
Hello Everyone: I am pretty new to TOUGHREACT. I am trying to build a model to simulate Ba++ and So4-- reaction in porous media. The attachments are the input files I modified based on P8_EOS1 from…