Visualizing Results from T2Well using Paraview

Hi everyone,

I am trying to visualize the results obtained from T2Well (OUTPUT file) using Paraview. I tried to use the following steps:

1. Install toughio in Anaconda prompt,

2. Extract the results from the OUTPUT file to excel file,

3. Convert the excel file into VTK or xmdf files that can be read by Paraview.

I have a problem with step 2, in which I used the following command line in anaconda prompt to get excel file of the results:

toughio-extract OUTPUT MESH

I got the following error message:

'toughio-export' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Can anyone help me to fix this problem?

1 reply

    • Alejandro_Bello
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    In order to get your T2Well data into paraview it is important you have your mesh into a pickle format. If you have created the mesh using toughio it should be easy. Otherwise, you need to use the 

    toughio-extract <output_file> MESH

    That will create the OUTPUT_ELEME.csv. Once you have done if you have a mesh file built in toughio (i.e. mesh.pickle) you need to call the second function in the following manner

    toughio-export OUTPUT_ELEME.csv -m mesh.pickle -f xdmf

    That will read your mesh file and compile with your output data into an xdmf file that you can dump into Paraview.

    Otherwise, if it is a cartesian mesh, you can use the voxelize method. That means it will use the info from your OUTPUT_ELEME file to create 3D cells. You need to specify an origin.

    toughio-export OUTPUT_ELEME.csv --voxelize --origin 0 0 0 -f xdmf

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