radial grid visualization pytough

Dear TOUGH community,


I have a radial grid in PyTOUGH and would like to visualize it. Is that possible? I have been searching and only found examples on rectangular grids with the function geo = mulgrid(), which is not my case. I am working with T2WELL. I would very much appreciate your support. Thanks!

3 replies

    • Alejandro_Bello
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi, I am on the same search and also using T2well. For the time being I have been using toughio to build the radial grids so I can export a vtk file that I can visualize in Paraview. However, the 3D visualization does not bring an 3d mesh made of concentric cylinders. Each cylinder is converted to a 3d trapezoidal that keeps the volume and conection area.

    • Student
    • Jose
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you Alejandro. I used toughio for the grid visualization. Another question, do you know how I can get the average reservoir pressure within time? I've been defining the pressure for each element, and then the average can be calculated. However, this is not efficient if you have a vast amount of reservoir cells. Any ideas, please? Thanks!

    • Alejandro_Bello
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Other than to do the computation as you have done, nothing comes up. I do remember that TOUGH+ had the keyword SUBDOMAIN where you can group multiple elements into a single group that is reported on a time series file. Bu I do not think such keyword is implemented in TOUGH2. And I am not sure about other versions. Perhaps, if you haven’t done so, you could declare all the cells into a FOFT section (as long as they are fewer than 100), so the averaging becomes more straightforward.

    Otherwise, scripting and toughio are your only alternatives.

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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