Setting conditions for not boundary blocks
Hello: How can i set a constant temperature condition for not boundary blocks with constant flow? How does it works for a non isothermal case? Thank you for the answers.
Convergence problem in initialization of water composition
Hello, everyone, When I run my TOUGHREACT model, the runlog.out file displayed "ERROR (convergence problem in initialization of water composition) Please adjust convergence criteria regarding…
slightly increased liquid viscosity
Hi, dear all I have one question about eos1. To construct a sensitivity matrix 'co' in subroutine 'multi' , we obtain secondary parameters using slightly increased primary variables,…
tracer diffusion in CO2
Hi I am modelling Helium diffusing from formation water into injected CO2 (with the ECO2N module in toughreact v3). However I am unsure about how the diffusion coefficient for He in CO2 is set in…
Increase maximum number of elements/connections
Hi, I’m trying to increase the maximum number of elements/connections by recompiling the source code ( I’m on a Windows 7 64 bit pc and access gfortran through Cygwin).…
How to simulate the surface complex in PetraSim
Hello, everyone, Sorry to disturb you. I wanted to simulate the surface complex between aqueous Europium+3 and -S-sOH and -S-wOH (the defined group) in clay.…
Error Codes?
Long story short I'm trying to run a very large forward model in iTOUGH2 and have probably narrowed down my problem to having not compiled an appropriate version with enough elements/connection in…
How to determine the influence of boundary size
Hi all, when i use tough2(ECO2N), i'm not sure whether the boundary size i chosen is appropriate, can anybody tell me how to determine the boundary size? thans very much! sawyer
Anisotropic permeability modifier positions
Hi, I am a bit confused with MOMOP(20) option: Is it correct that the only difference between setting it to 1 or 2 is the location of where the modifiers are read,…
How to implement a linear thermal gradient?
Greetings: I'm trying to impose a linear thermal gradient over time, i have seen elsewhere that one way to kept the temperature constant is by specifying high densities (1E15 kg/m3) in all the…
How to simulate bubble flow in non-Newtonian fluids (such as drilling mud)?
I am trying to create multiple simulation scenarios, one of them is to simulate discrete bubble flow through drilling much, which is also a non-Newtonian fluid.…
SAVE as INCON: big issue
Hi everyone, There is an issue with the initialisation of the components in place in my output file. The attached file "save_file_run_1" (screenshot from the output file) shows the volume and mass…
Problems with ECO2N V. 2.0
Hi All, I am experiencing some problems with the latest version of ECO2N. I have a series of simulations that run fine using ECO2N V1.0. However in version 2.…
ECO2N Steady state
Hi everybody! I'm a new Tough2 ECO2N user and i'm experiencing some problems by reaching the steady state condition... I will use it as Initial conditions for the simulations.…
TMVOC-MP is compiled but doesn't work
Hi Guys, After years of using TMVOC, we have recently bought TMVOC-MP. Unfortunately we have not yet had a pleasant experience and need some help. I tried to compile the code (with a headache…
iTOUGH2 forward model problem with EOS7C
Hi Stefan, I am testing my model with iTOUGH2 (EOS7C) forward model before I conduct sensitivity analysis. During the iTOUGH2 run, it suddenly stopped showing a message "run-time error M6203: MATH".…
Porosity, Permeability and Capillary Pressure Modification Block by Block
Hi All, I've read in TOUGH2 manual about how to change permeability and capillary pressure of each element using PMX column in element block. But I find some problem when I need to change…
How to model a leakage around existing well annulus in TOUGH
We are trying to model gas leakage around exisiting well annulus (The space between wellbore and casing, where fluid flow can occur). However, the aperture is relative large and I wonder whether this…
No primary variable data are displayed in output file.
Hello, I'm trying to mimic darcy's law with EOS1 module. I made a model and simulate with the below input files (the first and second figure). I think the simulation ends successfully,…
To have "Component mass in place" in a single cell
Hello everyone , In the output file of TOUGH2, for each plot time value, there is the -component mass in place- table, in which I think, are reported the mass of each component referred to the total…
Compilation of source code files
To increase the maximum number of elements in Tough2 above 12000, we changed the T2 file in the fortran source code, and are now trying to compile the source code files according to the instructions…
injection using well on delivery
Hello, What is the correct way to use the well on delivery option for injection? Background: I'm using EOS7C and attempting to inject methane into my modeled domain at a depth of about 30 m below…
How to define the tortuosity in TOUGHREACT
Hi. I am confused by the concept of the tortuosity. I found it was defined as is the ratio of the average length of the flow paths through the medium to the straight-line length across the medium…
How to calculate the mechanical dispersion in TOUGHREACT
Hello. I am inquiring about how to know the mechanical dispersion in the PetraSim/TOUGH. When I input the diffusion coefficient and tortuosity/porosity,…
Zero flux conditions
Hello everyone , Could someone explain to me how to impose the zero flux conditions in a generic domain? Thank you.